chapter 10: Die For You

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I wake up the next morning, still in my own bed. I rub my eyes, and see makeup on my hands. So what. I can't see Andy, and I'm stuck in this shithole with my parents. I pick up my phone, and see no missed calls or text messages from Andy.

Has he forgotten about me already? I put my phone back down, and go into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I wash off all my makeup, and my hands. I see that the cuts I had from that girl, aren't bleeding anymore. They're scabbing. Then it hits me. I know what I need to do.

I will promise myself, I will make 1 cut every night, for every night without Andy. I will cut myself for him, I need to do this, only for him.

I grab my razor, and press it against my right wrist, the wrist that the girl didn't cut. These cuts will be my own.

"For Andy."

I say right before I make the first cut.

Deep, dark, red liquid pours out of my skin, and down into the drain. I run the water in the sink, to clear out all the blood that dripped into it. I look up, and see just me standing in the mirror. I think these walls are screamig at me because I can hear them. Calling my name, shouting for me to stop, calling Andy.

I plug my ears, and try to block it out. But it's useless. Screaming, screaming, SCREAMING MY NAME!!!


I scream back in my head, so my parents don't hear me yelling and have them come in here.

Then suddenly, it stops. And I hear my phone vibrating.

I go over to it and pick it up. I got a text, and Andy...

didn't send it. It was an add for something I never care about.

Where is Andy? And does he still care about me?


Next morning, without Emily. What am I gonna do?

I gotta call her,

but her mom might find out. I bet she has already taken Emily's phone away, to stop her from talking to me.

I sit up, and rub my eyes. I look out the window to the driveway, and Emily's truck isn't there.


I know what to do!

I gotta call the band. This has to happen soon.


Well, it's the end of the night. I already made the cut for last night, it time for tonight's cut.

I take the razor again, and press it to my right wrist. Just above the first cut, I make another.

Deep, dark, red blood pours out again. And drips into the sink once more.

Still just me in the mirror, and more screaming and yelling coming from the walls, or from inside my head.

I rest my head onto my pillow when the screaming ends, and I go to sleep. Still without him.

A few weeks go by, and I have many cuts, going up my arm. The cuts on my left wrist from that girl, have scarred already. I'm ready to make cuts on that side if I need to.

I grab my razor, nd press it against my left wrist, where the first scar is, and I...

I don't cut. I hear banging from my window, and turn to see Andy smiling, and waving at me. I quickly pull my sleave down to cover my arms, and my cuts. And I run over to my window, and open it to meet Andy's kiss.

"Wanna have some fun?"

He asks me with his cute smile. I nod, put my phone in my back pocket, put my shoes on, and climb out the window with him. I just remembered I had a roof next to my window, and I guess Andy climbed up something to meet me there.

We climb down a vine I had connected to the roof. Andy goes down first, and when I land on the ground, we start runing.

Hand and hand, runing down the street to an abandoned park across from his house. I forgot how close he lived to me.

I look, and my smile fades into a gasp. I let go of Andy's hand and cover my face with my hands.

I see, a banner. It says "Emily + Andy forever <3"

I see a blanket layed out on the ground, with a basket in the middle of it.

Flowers are blooming everywhere, and the grass is so green.

I see the Andy walk over to the backet and blanket, and he sits down.

He waves his hand, motioning for me to go over there and join him. I run over there, and he stands back up. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his hands arap around my waist.

I press my lips onto his, and we stand there for a second or two.

We break away, and sit down on the blanket. He reaches into the basket, and pulls out a red rose.

A beautiful, bright, red rose. I take it my hands, and look at him in the eyes.

His beautiful, blue, eyes, shining in the moonlight. Sends shivers throughout my body. Nothing at all can mess this up.

He smiles, and holds my hand.

"Emily," he begins. "I know we haven't been able to see each other for a long time since we've been together. But I want you to know that you, are the only person I care about. More then anyone else. I know I've told you this before, but I need to say it again. You are the one I love, and always will. You are the most beautiful person, I've ever seen in my whole life.  You are different from other girls. You have that special thing about you, that fire I said you had, that's what makes you special to me. Your laugh, your smile, your personality, and mostly, your heart. Those small things about you, is what makes you mine. I love you."

My mind is still trying to process what he said, but I soon understood. He is the most important person in my life. And it's my turn to tell him how I feel.

"Andy, what you just said about me, is something I've never heard before. I've never felt this feeling before. When we first met, I never realized how sweet and comforting you really are. All that was going through my mind was 'Oh my god, it's Andy fucking Biersack', but now I feel different. I really don't care if you are famous, and has a band I'm in love with. I'm in love with the real, Andrew Dennis Biersack. You are the person, who I would love to spend the rest of my life with. You have saved me from troubles before we even met. I would cut-"

My smile fades, and I realize what I was just about to say. I really don't want him to know that I've been cutting for him, for the past few weeks. But now that I just cut myself off, as soon as I said "cut", I think he knows that he may hear something, that he will not like.

"What? You're worrying me, babe."

I look at him, and I need to tell him. He's gonna find out sooner or later, right?

"Andy, I,"

I start.

"Ever since we've been apart, I promised myself to do something stupid. For you. I don't know why I did it, but, I couldn't see you or talk to you and I got so scared!"

I cried out. I cover my face with my left hand, and hold out my right hand, and tell him,

"Roll my sleave up. I did this to myself for you. I shouldn't have done it at all, I knew you would hate me for doing it, but I got scared and worried and all these different mixed emotions about our relationship and the way it started and what happened and I'm so sorry."

I start to let my hand get wet with tears, adn Andy rolls up my sleave. His face looks at me, then the cuts, and back and forth.

"Emily, I, I can't believe you would do this."

"I'm sorry, Andy. I'm so sorry."

I stand up, and walk to the side a bit. My back facing him, crying, into my hands. I rip off my glasses, and throw them on the ground. I don't know what to do now.

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