chapter 8: We Stitch These Wounds

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The next morning, I wake up in a different place. Oh my god, I fell asleep at...


No, how could he let me sleep here? ME??? Why? But, at least I'm in a bed.


I quickly get up and see that only one side is messed up. The side I got up from. But that still doesn't answer my question. I make the bed all nice and neat, and crack open the door, to see if anyone is in the living room. Doesn't look like anybody's here. I put on my glasses, and I open the door. I go out, and I see another door cracked open. I peek through and see Andy asleep in another bed. Ok good, I didn't sleep with him. 

His face is so soft, and perfect. He looks so cute and innocent when he's asleep. I see his eyes slowly flutter open. I hide against the wall behind the door. I peek in again, and I see him rubbing his eyes, and he's shirtless, too. He gets up, and slowly walks to the door.

I quickly and silently go back into the room I was in, shut the door, put my glasses back where they were, and got back in the bed. I faced the door to see when he was coming in.

The door knob twisted, and the door slowly opened. I shut my eyes and pretended I was asleep.

I didn't hear much, I think he thought I was still asleep, and he didn't want to wake me up. I felt weight on the bed next to my stomach. What is he doing?

I felt a hand brush my hair back behind my ear, and soft lips kiss my cheek.


Look, she's so peaceful when she's asleep. Her face looks so, beautiful. She's... perfect. I brush her hair behind her ear, and lean it, and kiss her on the cheek. I get back up, and silently exit the room, shutting the door behind me. I go into the kitchen, and start making pancakes.

After what happened to her yesterday, that Ashley told me, I really don't trust her alone. But why would someone like her be a target? Or someone to want to kill? She's so sweet. She's the opposite of that kind of target.

Life is fucking confusing.

I hear a knock on the door, and I go open it to see the band. I invite them in but remind them that Emily is still asleep. I close the door and continue to cook the pancakes. I bet Emily is wondering why the hell she's still here. But like I said, I don't trust her alone.


Ok, I have to pretend I'm still tired, even though I'm wide awake. I get up and leave the bed messy, to make it look like I just woke up. I leave my glasses off and on the table. I open the door, sluggish, and see the band come in the door. And Andy's cooking something. CC is the first to hug me good morning. Then Jinxx, Ashley is next, and Jake is last. I'm actually surprised that Ashley didn't grab my ass. With him being the big pervert of the group. I walk over to Andy and see that he's making pancakes.

"Morning." He says with a smile. I hug him, and of course, he hugs me back.

"Why am I still here? Did I fall asleep here last night?" I ask.

"Yeah. But it was fine. I really don't trust you alone at all anymore." He answers.

"Andy," I start. "what Ash told you, isn't all that happened yesterday."

He looks at me with a worried look.

"That girl, she, she banged my head against the table, she tried to choke me again, she, she tried to kill me with a piece of glass. She-"

I can't even finish what I was saying, because I was letting tears out. He places the pancakes down on the counter and hugs me. Just the feel of his presence, calms me. It relaxes me. He is so comforting to me. I can go to him for anything.

But I realized something, I can't be around him anymore. I'm, I'm, I'm weak.

I cry too much, I'm always getting the shit beat out of me, I can't even stand up for myself against another girl. And I feel like a cry baby. I'm worthless.

I pull out of his hug, and go back to get my glasses. I smile and wave to the guys, and I keep my keys in my hand.

I get near Andy, and I look into his eyes. I blink back some tears, and hug him one last time.

"It was really awesome to meet you all, but this isn't right for me. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but-"

I'm cut off, by Andy slamming his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, until I melted into the kiss. His hands held my by my lower back, and I wrap my arms around his neck. His tongue fighting with mine, but I liked it.

Then I remembered what I was doing. I pulled away, and stare into his eyes again. He smiles, and I don't.

"Andy, please. Don't make this hard for me."

I say before his smile fades.

"You, you deserve better then me. I, I'm weak. I get the shit kicked out of me all the time, I can't stand up for myself, even against another girl, I'm a cry baby all the time. I'm not as perfect or pretty or talented as you are. And I'm not a rocker chick all the time. I do love to listen to metal, screamo, kind of music. But it's not the kind of music I play when I'm with my friends or family. I only listen to metal music when I'm with you or around you because I don't want to disappoint you. I love being around you, but that kiss, it, I can't even describe how that kiss made me feel. But you don't deserve a weak, bitch like me. I'm sorry."


Did she really just say that? She's not  bitch. And I bet she can beat the shit out of someone else if she gets a chance to. She's not a cry baby. She is too beautiful, and I heard her sing before, she's fucking amazing. And I don't care what kind of music she listens to. She's everything I want in a girlfriend. How can she think like this.

She opens the door, and takes one last look at me and the band with a smile and a wave. She starts walking to the truck, and I look at the guys. I know I can't let her go.


I scream out to stop her, and she stops walking. I catch up to her, and lightly grab her hand. She turns around, with a tear running down her cheek. I cup her face with my hands, and use my thumb to wipe her tears away.

"You're not a weak bitch. I bet if you get the chance to, you can beat the shit out of someone. And I don't care what kind of music you listen to. You never disappoint me. You arn't a cry baby. You have shit going on in your life that's hard for you to deal with. You are very talented. I've heard you sing at least once and I know that you are an amazing singer. You are beautiful. You are perfect to me. And that's all that matters. You can come to me for anything and I will always be the one to comfort you. I can't live without you in my life. Ever since I first met you, I knew how much of a sweet, amazing person you really are. Don't blame yourself for someone else's mistakes. You. Are. Beautiful."

I finish, and her eyes are sparkling. I can tell she got something out of the truth. I see her look at my eyes, then my lips, and back and forth. I knew she felt something different now.


I can't believe he actually thinks of me that way. I feel very comfortable and calm now. I feel invincible. I notice his blue eyes are sparkling into mine. I look down and see that my fingers are intertwined with his. I look back at his eyes, then his lips, then back to his eyes. He licks his lips, and slowly leans in to my lips. His lips touch mine and gives me chills. His tongue slowly teases mine and explores the inside of my mouth while putting his hands on my waist, to pull me into his kiss even more. I wrap my arms around his neck. 

"I- WHA- YOU AND HER? WHA- OH C'MON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We pull away when we hear Ashley complaining. The rest of the band shove him back in the house and they go inside too.

I look back at Andy, and we continue what we started.

I knew, that I would love to spend the rest of my life with him. He is just the sweetest, most comforting boy I've ever met. I am truly blessed.

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