chapter 22: Pon De Replay

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(still EMILY'S POV)

I calm down a bit, and I tell Andy and Mitchel to wait in the hall. Andy kisses me and they go out. I shut the door, and I sit on the couch next to her. We smile, and we start talking.

her: Hi.

me: Hi.

her: Look, I just want to say that I'm sorry.

me: Its fine.

her: No it isn't. I had rage against Cali mostly.

me: Why?

her: Well, her mom is friends with my mom. And they hung out a lot. So she would come over my house a lot. And she would trash the place, and I just think that there was something about me or my family that she didn't like. I really don't know why.

me: Oh. I'll talk to her about that if you want.

her:Please do. And I need to say I'm sorry because I took out my anger on you. Because you were her best friend. I really am sorry.

me: Its fine.

her: I've seen how much you've done. And I'm proud of you. I don't want to hold you back or be the reason you left for tour or something. I like the fact that you are doing things on your own. I'm really impressed.

me: Thanks.

her: Do you think we can be friends?

me: Of course.

her: I'm Kendra.

me: Emily.

her: So, wanna go hang out or something?

me: I would love that. But lets see if Cali would be ok with it first.

her: Good idea. Lets go.

We leave the room, smile on our faces. "Oh, Andy, this is Kendra. Kendra, this is my boyfriend, Andy." I say. She smiles at him, and he does the same. "If you are friends now, then I'll say sorry for beating you up before." Andy says. Kendra and I giggle a bit, "It's ok. I actually am a big fan of yours." She says. He says sorry again, and they hug it out. We leave, and we get in my truck. I drop off Andy and kiss him. "Awe. You are so cute together. I can't believe he would cheat on you though." "You heard?" "Yeah. It was all over the news. But wow." "Yeah. Tell me about it. Wanna see if we can clear things up with Cali?" I ask, and she nods. We drive up to Cali's, and we go inside. Cali is sitting on the couch in the living room when Ben answers the door.

We go inside, and sit down with Cali. "Cali, can I ask you something?" I ask. She nods. "Why do you hate Kendra? She really wants to be friends with you." "I don't know. I guess I was jealous of her. She was always the popular one, and we weren't." "That doesn't matter now. Can we all be friends?" Cali nods and we all group hug. "Now, Cali, go get changed. We're going to have fun together." She laughs and goes to her room to change. We sit back down on the couch, and we just talk until Cali comes back out.

We all get in my truck, and I drive us to the mall. "Oh! I know what we can do!" Kendra yells out. "What?" Me and Cali ask. "How about we all get dressed up and dress hot! So, we can surprise your bf's?" "Kendra, that is the best idea you have ever said!" I call out. We all go in the mall. We walk around, and we stop for Starbucks. We all get iced coffee. I kinda have an obsession with them. Then we go into Hottopic, Payless, Clairs, and we lastly go into Aeropostale. We all got some dresses, shoes, jewelry, shirts, and some bottoms. And we all had a great time together. I think Cali and Kendra will be good friends. But we all will have the best relationship ever.


I take Cali and Kendra to my house, and I made sure Andy was out. We all get changed into our new dresses. I got into a dark purple, strapless dress, with small ruffles down at the bottom and light purple and white sparkles on it. And it comes down to the middle of my thigh. Cali got a spaghetti strap dress that comes down to the middle of her thighs like mine does. And her's is covered with blue sparkles and the dress itself is a deep blue. And lastly, Kendra got a pink dress that is strapless, and it comes down the same length as mine and Cali's. And it has ruffles throughout the whole dress and it has red sparkles on it. We get out the new shoes we bought. Cali got black flats, Kendra got pink heels, and I got purple heels as well. Kendra and I curl our hair, but Cali wants to straighten her hair. So we all help each other. We redo our makeup, and we're all looking HOT!

Andy texts me and tells me that BVB and AA are all coming over. Then Kendra tells me something. "Is Ashley coming over?" I nod. "To be truly honest, I love Black Veil Brides. And I actually have a little crush on Ashley. But with his reputation, I doubt our relationship wouldn't last at all if we had one." "Don't say that. You don't know for sure. We'll see what happens. But you need to live up to what you said." Cali answers and Kendra nods.

Andy texts me saying that him and everyone else is here. I don't text him back because I tell the girls that we will surprise them. We will play some dance music and start dancing in the living room. But we do take our shoes off because we're lazy. I leave my phone on the counter in the kitchen and I blast Pon De Replay by Rihanna. Me and the girls start dancing. We are moving our hips and we're dancing as we would in dresses in the club to get some attention by the boys. Moving very smooth and sexy like. And soon enough, I see the boys watching at us. All 3 of us knew it but we acted like we didn't know they were watching us. We start spinning around in circles and we don't stop moving. And when the song goes, 'dip it low then you bring it up slow', the girls and I bend down and slowly come back up, while sticking our asses out to the side. We felt great and sexy for the boys.

Ashley should be watching Kendra, Andt should be watching me, and Ben should be watching Cali. But I can't see to be sure. Then out of nowhere, around the middle of the song, I felt hands on my hips, and they hands follow the flow of my hips. The hands seem to glide up and down my sides. I look and I see Ben behind Cali and Ashley actually behind Kendra. How cute. And I bet Andy is behind me. I turn around and I see exactly him. I turn back around, and me and the girls go to the open space. We keep our backs facing everyone else. And we swing our hips in circles and we spin in circles. We faced them with our backs again, then we go down then up. Just like how we did before. Then we turn around and face them. Still moving our hips, and still looking hot. And sexy. Mhm.


All three of the girls are looking sexy as hell. Mostly Emily. The way her hips are perfectly moving. And gliding side to side. And that dress brings out all the sexy curves that she has. Her hair is curled to my liking. I won't be surprised if I get a boner from this. I bet I do, but I don't want to check in front of everybody. She keeps smiling and looking at me in a seductive and sexy way. I just want to go over there and love her so much. A new song comes on, and she comes over to me. She keeps rockig her body against mine. Her scent is flowing up to my sences. She looks and smells hot. But I bet she tastes best. She goes down low and comes back up. She whips her hair around, and she never stops smiling at me. Her lips come close to mine, very close, but they don't touch. She blows softly onto my lips, and pulls away. Teasing me. The 3 girls go over to the speaker and turns the music down. I can not once take my eyes off of Emily.


Kendra turns down the music, and Andy locks eye contact with me. Kendra announces, "Listen boys. We're going to have some fun tonight. So, get yourselves together for a party." Us 3 girls giggle. We go back to our room and get our shoes we picked out on. And we come out. We turn off the music, and we go to the door. We turn around and face the boys. At the same time, we blow a kiss. To everybody. We shut the door, and I drive us to our friend's house. Remember Josh? Well, I told him to have a lot of people wait at his house. He meets us outside, and we all go inside. I get ontop of the counter, and I announce something to everyone here. "Hey, listen up. I'm having a party right now. At my house. It has bigger room, and it's going to be fun. But I need you all there to make it fun. My house isn't far. If you want to come, scream." The whole room starts to scream. So loud. "Ok then! Follow my truck! LET'S GO!!!" I yell. I get down, and Cali, Kendra, Josh, and I all get in my truck. I drive to my house, with a lot of cars following me. This is going to be fun.

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