chapter 27: I Made it Without You

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I can't believe I did this. I might have just ruined her life. All because of my stupidity. Why did I kiss Cali in the first place? Her boyfriend, Ben, was there the whole time and saw the whole thing. Why did she kiss me back? But why did I kiss her in the first place? Everything is becuse of me.

Just watching Emily run away with tears in her eyes, makes me realize how fucking stupid I am.

I can't even look at anyone. I just walk away. I go over to a tree far away, and I sit down against it. My arms holding my head up and my elbows on my knees. Emily is the only one on my mind.

I remember the first time I saw her, in the pond. I took her under my wing and took care of her. I introduced her to the band. And I was there when I found out her friend was gone. We fell in love and her parents tried to keep us apart. That failed. I snuck her out and we had a beautiful moment together. And when we had to leave for tour, we went to the beach together and had one last beautiful moment before we left. Then, it happened for the first time. I screwed up for the first time. And I remember how much that effected her. Her going into the hospital because of me. Who knows what can happen this time? And I should forget the fact that I want to marry her, because I know she doesn't feel the same about me again.

And how can I forget the fact that I reallty screwed up her life, by taking the pne thing you can give once. I took her virginity, and she doesn't love me now. I fucked up her's and my own life. And there is no way to get forgiveness.


I decided to finally go home. The sky has gone from blue to orange to black. The whole rest of the day, I sat here against this tree thinking about her. So I got up and wen't home. I won't be surprised if she's not there.

I open the door, and I see a note on the kitchen table.

I go over to it, and I open it. Something falls out of it and lands on the floor by my foot. I bend down and pick it up. It's the necklace I gave her. I hold it in my hand, and I read the note.


i dont know what to say or do anymore. i got my stuff from here and from cali's already, and i hit the road with mitchel. we're going to hollywood to plan out my carrer. thank you for getting me here, but i wont see you again. good luck with your life, and have a good life with cali. keep the necklace and change my name to cali while your at it. just stay the fuck AWAY from me. bye bitch


My heart sinks down to my feet. And shatters on impact. I know that I seriously fucked up. I need to talk to her,  but how will she take it? 'Please forgive me I made out with your best friend'? That shit will piss her off even more. I have no ideas. But hopefully, I'll find out soon.


"What am I going to do now?" I ask looking at Mitchel. "I don't know. But we're going to make you big. Hopefully that will take your mind off of him. I really don't know what to tell you." He answers. I curl up in a ball in the backseat of my truck, and the street lights pass quickly. One by one. I put my hands on the window and I rest my head against my hands. I eventually drift off to sleep.


The next morning, Mitchel wakes me up. I look around and we're in front of a studio. I get up and I get out of the car. We walk up to the front door and go in. We see a woman at the front desk. "Hi. May I help you?" She asks. "We're here to see Rick." He answers. "Your names please?" "Mitchel Williams and Emily McCown." She searches the computer files after he says our names. "Ok, go right in." She said. I smile at her and Mitchel says thanks.

We get in the elevator, and I'm still a little bit tired. We go up and the doors open. It shows a very clean hallway with white walls and black tile floors. And paintings of anything like landscapes and paintings of people and masks. All on the walls. Pops of color just everywhere.

I follow Mitchel and we head down the hallway and we meet a guy names Rick. He was bald and very tall. He was skinny and had big black glasses. And had a tattoo on his arm of a beach landscape.

"And you must be Emily. Nice to meet you. I'm Rick." He said as he stuck out his hand. I smiled and shook it. We all smiled, then wen't into his office. He sat behind his desk and Mitchel and I sat in chairs across from him. His office was nice. It had bookshelves filled with albums. And pictures of beach landscapes covered the deep red walls. The carpet was black as well, and the chairs we sat in were a deep red leather as well.

"So, Mitchel, you tell me that this girl is good?" Rick asked leaning against his desk from our side. Leaning back on it. "She's not good. She's amazing." Mitchel answered. "Well then, did you bring some recordings?" Mitchel nodded and handed him some cd's. "Have you done tours yet?" Rick asks. "No. She did one or two performances before back home but everyone thought it was a tour." Mitchel answers. Rick nods, and inserts one of three cd's. One of the song plays.

Throughout the cd's, it played Fighter by Christina Aguilera, Work Bitch by Britney Spears, and Accapella by Karmin. All three of the songs, Rick smiled and nodded.

After we heard all 3 cd's, Rick looked at me and smiled. "I think we have a new female singer." I jumped up and hugged him. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!" I yelled so fast it sounded like one word. He laughs, and I run over to Mitchel and hug him too.

"Ok, I got a hotel room for you to stay in for a while. Meet me tomorrow and we'll start recording a new album."

Rick states as we go out the door. We get into my truck and Mitchel drives us to the hotel. "He knows you  cover songs and you don't write your own. So learn about 2 or 3 songs tonight so we can do them tommorow. Ok?" He asks. I nod. "I alreasdy have 3 songs learned and ready to go." I answer. He nods and we pull up to the hotel. He checks us in, and we go up to our room with all our stuff.

I flop down on the bed, and Mitchel says, "If you want, I'll go out real quick and get us some food." "I wanna go!" I jump up like a little kid. "Ok then, let's go." He says. We go out and we head downstairs to a little diner in the hotel.

I got a small burger with fries and Mitchel got the same. We ate and talked like we were brother and sister. We had that kind of relationship because of how long we have known each other. This is the start of something new.

We finish our food, and it's getting dark We go back up to our room, and I flop back down on the bed. I put my phone on a charge and I plug in my headphones. I turn on some music and I guess I drifted off to sleep.

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