chapter 15: Beautiful Remains

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Andy is the first person to come into the booth and hug me. He kisses me then says, "You were awesome, baby." He holds me tight, and I can't believe he actually liked it. With that kind of music, it really surprised me. The rest of the band comes in and all of them give me a group hug. When they all pull away, Ashley, being the big pervert that he is, slaps my ass. Oh god. Andy had his arms around me when this just happened. And I had an amazing idea to get Ashley back. I walk faster and sway my hips in front of Ashley. When I get close enough, I kick my leg back, nailing him in the dick.

He falls to the floor, and we all laugh. "Well played" Ashley says in between groaning and moaning and bitching. I do extand a hand out to help him up. Gladly, he takes it. I pull him up off of the floor.

"Awesome job, Emily. How would you like to have your own record lable and to tour the world?" Mitchel asks me. Once I finally process what he just said, my heart races and praticily jumps out of my chest. "Ar-are you serious?!?!?!" I scream out and he nods with a smile. He stands up, and I run and hug him so tight. 

"If you want, we can start recording all the songs you want on your first album. Either today or tomorrow. Or just one song a day."

He says. I make my choice. I was about to make tell him my choice, but Andy's phone starts to ring.


I go out in the hallway and answer the call. Our tour manager, Jon, (idk if its joHn or just jon dont hate) told me news I did not want to hear.

him: I've got awesome news for the band

me: What?

him: You are going to start a new tour starting in tomorrow

me: What? We're leaving already?

him: Yeah. What's wrong?

me: I, can't leave my girlfriend. I just pulled her out of a lot of crazy shit with her family and now I have to leave her.

him: Don't worry. She'll be fine if you keep in touch with her. It'll be over before you know it

me: But-

him: She'll be fine. The tour is going on.

He hangs up after he states that. I can't tell her I'm leaving. She'll be heart broken. But we have to go. I have to do something special for her before we leave. It's only 1:00. I'll take her to the beach at sundown. Tonight. I go back into the studio, and I play it off like it was nothing.

We leave, but I leave my jacket in there on purpose. I need to tell the band and I can't tell them in front of her yet. We make our ways down the hall a little bit. Right before we got to the elevator, I say, "Oh shit. Hey, babe. Can you go back and get my jacket for me real quick?" She smile and nods, and goes back. This is my time to tell the band. "Guys listen, that call was Jon. tomorrow, we need to go on tour. But do not tell Emily. I'll tell her myself tonight. ok?" They nod, and Emily comes back with my jacket.

I drop the band off at their houses, and I drive to the beach. Emily starts to get worried, but I just hold her hand and smile. I pull into a parking lot, and when she sees the beach, she smiles wide. I can tell she is going to like this, until I tell her the truth.


I see the beach. I haven't been here in forever. The seagulls flying around, the waves crashing onto shore, the sun slowly going down, and the best part, I'm with Andy. We get out and we hold hands while going down to the water. I decided to have a little fun. I got deep enough in the water, and splashed water on Andy. I got most of his shirt wet, and his jeans are completly wet. He gets an evil look in his eyes, and comes intot he water and splashes me like crazy. I was smart to leave my phone in the car. Well, my shirt was realy wet, and my jeans were mostly wet.

I go back up to the sand, and take off my jeans. I run back into the water. "You wanna play that hard?" I start. I take off my shirt and now I'm in my bra and underwear and I throw my shirt up with my shoes and jeans. "Then come and get me, big boy" I say playing around and swimming out farther into the water. To the point of where I'll stand straight up on the sandbar and the water would be up at my neck. I see him rip off his clothes and he comes after me. He's just in his boxers and no shirt. This'll be interesting.

I try to go a little further, but he grabs me from behind and takes both me and him underwater. We go back up for air, but his grip doesn't loosen or let go at all. This is why I love him.

He loosens up when the sun starts to descend to the horizon. We go back, and sit down on the blanket that he brought with us. We sit there on the blanket on the sand, dripping wet. But at least we're still together. The cold water against the cold air sends shivers up my spine. I think he noticed when he grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my shoulders. How many blankets does he have?

He rubs it on my shoulders and helps me dry off. Then he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He holds my hand in my lap, and he looks at me with soft eyes and a smile. We look back up and we see the sun disappearing into the horizon. The sky filled with a deep orange, and the half sun was darker and brighter then the rest of the sky. It was so beautiful. I couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. Sitting here, on the beach, with the love of my life, watching a romantic sunset.


I look over, and I see her staring into the sunset like she just wants to run to it. I don't think she has ever seen a sunset like this. I'm glad I'll get this chance to spend this beautiful moment with her, for I will not have another moment like this in a while. I wish she could come, but she can't. And now looks like the time. The sun is almost gone, and she needs to know. "Emily?" I start. She looks at me with a smile. The orange lighting from the sun brightens up her eyes. Makes them more beautiful then before. I hope this won't break her heart.

"I need to tell you something." She giggles, and asks. "What?" She sits up on her knees, looking at me in the eyes. "I, we, the band and I, we," Her smile fades, and she gets a worried look becoming her face. "We're leaving for tour tomorrow." Her eyes widen, and her eyes fill up with tears. She covers her mouth with both her hands, and shuts her eyes. She shakes her head no, and keeps saying no. I lift her chin with my finger, and she looks me in the eyes. She practicially tackles me, not wanting to let me go. Her arms wrap tightly around my neck, and I squeeze her by her waist and back. I don't want to leave her so soon, but I guess it has to happen.

"Please. Don't leave." She says crying into my shoulder. "I don't want to go, but I have to. I really wish you could come with me. I really wish that." She leanss back, wipes her tears, and looks at me. Her eyes are still red and puffy, but I feel how much pain she must be going through. I lean in, and so does she. I feel my lips touch her's, and we sit there, enjoying this moment. Because it will be the last beautiful moment we will have together for a while.

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