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The one thing no one knows

Where do thoughts come from

Or where do they go

Is there a big library somewhere in space

Organizing our thoughts by time and place

Or are they a random phenomenon inside our personal space

I guess we'll never know

But one thing's for certain, we don't know where they come from

Or where they go

I started thinking a thought

A thought so powerful it tied my brain in knots

A thought was so powerful as it is in our emotions

That it might, just might carry weight with all its commotion

You might think I'm insane

For playing these mind games

But what if we all put our thoughts in one place

Could we stop others from dying out in space

Or could we stop disease before it takes place

The possibilities are endless if what I said was true

Could the world really be changed just by YOUR thought

Poems Of The Third OrderWhere stories live. Discover now