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I've ran away from my past

I've ran away from the pain I know

I know now I have to turn around and go in heart first

I'm a lamb heading to the slaughter

I except this as my fate

I know i can't save everyone

But if one person is helped by my errors

Then my mission is accomplished

I'm ready to fade out of existence

I'm ready to change planes of existence

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade

But what if the lemons don't want to be squeezed

Do you squeeze them because it's what you're thought to believe

Or do you fight against the standard of being "normal"

So what do you do?

Do you fight the normal, or do you try to blend in

I've watched the world go to crap

I've seen a war supposedly won

I've seen technology change the world

I've seen a plane vanish from view

I've seen a madman rise to power

But there's one thing that never makes the press

The stories of millions of people being human

No word about the homeless given aid

Or the elderly given youth

Or the hopeless given hope

But that never stops the helpers

For they don't do it for the fame and money

But they do it because it's right...

And that is what we should all Strive for

Poems Of The Third OrderWhere stories live. Discover now