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Hey guys this isn't a poem...I was tagged and challenged by halimalfoy to write a about music and how it makes me feel...I told her I'd give it a's the final draft

As I sit down with my music

I see my new playlist based on my emotions

I pull up periwinkle playlist so I can calm myself down

I scroll through the mixed songs and a few stand out

Janie's Got a Gun by Aerosmith nothing like a classic

Three little birds by Bob Marley
Man I'm old

The play list changes as it ends

I watch to see if it truly is going to switch

Sure enough my dance music drops the beats in my neon list because there's always neon at parties

I sit and scroll the list to see what I actually put in this jam mix

Turn down for what by lil John
Jeez that's old

Bangarang by Skrillex
Nothing like a dubstep

Sooner than I thought the playlist ends
Guess I don't party much

The next crazy list is my exercise music in green

Since I didn't renew my membership yet I've forgotten this existed

Master of Puppets by Metallica
Nothing like a seven minute song

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Because why not

Centuries by Fall Out Boy
You will remember me

I must have zoned out because the playlist ends and a new one begins

My personal playlist highlighted in lavender

Huh I thought I deleted this because I haven't heard it in years

Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
I just want know

Numb by Linkin Park
Rest In Peace

Demons by Imagine Dragons
I have a poem for this

Obviously my life isn't song worthy because it ends pretty fast

There's one more playlist and it's surprisingly empty...songs about how others think of me...if only people could inline comment about those songs so I can add them


Any ways guys that is my tagged work...oh yeah I'm forgetting the best part who to tag so SuperFay ,loresiento and HolyBac0n good luck

-hoboghost/jt/TJ /James/bean

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