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I'm the teller of the past, present, and future.

And yet you wipe me away

I know when it's all over

But you still don't want to stay

I'm the dust apon your dresser

The holder of all your secrets

I'm the dust apon your mirror

I am your guardian

And yet you try to wipe me away

I am dust

I am the answer to your questions

I'm your most reliable friend

Your ally in the night

I watch and listen

I leave the prints of your enemies

Then why do you get rid of me

The one who I am helping

The one I won't leave

Is it truly so

That you will betray me

The one who watched you grow

The one who showed the way

Am I really just dirt

Nothing more, nothing less

For when the dust settles

You will see my path

For I will watch and listen

And protect you still

For I am dust

It's what I do

Poems Of The Third OrderWhere stories live. Discover now