Pocket Change

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I've noticed a lot of changes recently

I've noticed that Generation Z is trying to speak their mind

But the politicians just don't want to hear it

There's been more gun violence in schools this year than there are weeks leading into may

I'm sorry but when there's a shooting once every 4 days

Gun laws might just need to happen

But yet we get politicians both red and blue try to deny them

I've heard "it's just a fad that these kids have"

Really I didn't know wanting to live was a fad

"If the schools would teach CPR this wouldn't be as bad"

Sorry sir that's not how CPR works, it just reminds me of the pool scene from Sandlot

Is it just me or is Generation Z smarter than the others

Yeah they might be the youngest but they want change

And the NRA, yeah I'm talking to you

How's it feel to have this blood on your hands

Has it affected your immoral conscience yet

Or on you focused so much on the money that you don't care

Are thousands of lives for just a little Pocket Change

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