The mind of the masses

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I've thought, and thought of what's too come

I've lost much hope in humanity,
Yet I still fight

I've been in clubs and organizing to help

I donate and try to help

But yet I can't find peace in what's to come

I've seen towers fall

Racial boundaries broken

And too many wars

But yet for each good deed, a terrible deed replaces it

And for every terrible deed, a good one

I've seen this vicious cycle destroy many lives

I've also have seen it build hope

Then why then do I cringe at the future

Why do I feel like our world is dying

I've seen reform on every scale

I've seen Demons die

Yet I still see evil control the masses

I see hope fade in many

But yet more hope is born from the ashes

I've read of countries splitting over politics

I've of men stabbed by their friends

I've listened to one power divide into many

But yet I still see good

Is it because I've seen both sides that I still fight for what's right

Or are we all secretly one big hive mind

All with are own thoughts of making the world better

If this is the case these are not just my thoughts

But thoughts of higher prestige

Because these thoughts come from
The Mind of the masses

Poems Of The Third OrderWhere stories live. Discover now