
19 4 28

You can stop sitting


Shout your opinions

I'm sick of hearing your silence

I want to see your eyes burn like mine

I want to see your heart on fire

I don't see the point in war

But I think it's worse not to hear anything at all

I don't want to see the world burn

But I want to light all of your hearts

My path maybe paved

But I can destroy it before you can walk on it

I'm the definition of a ghost

I'm haunting my own path

And I'm invisible to most

But you can feel me around

I'd rather watch hell freeze over

Than not say my thoughts

I may not be as funny as SuperFay

Or as friendly as halimalfoy

Definitely not as original as loresiento

But I'm fine being in the background

Because we are a four-person army

We are not trying to burn the world

We're just igniting your Passion

Hah...20 followers thank you guys for this ride, you guys are the reason why I haven't lost sanity...I decided to do this for the milestone...another one like this will happen at 30 followers...thank you guys so much I love you guys-Hoboghost/JT/James/bean/TJ/The Ghost ofWattpad

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