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From deep inside my internal forge

A feeling grows that i can't ignore

A feeling almost as strong as the last wave

And almost as dark

A feeling of regret and sorrow

Of pain and suffering

And of anger and confusion

For I have not felt this way in years

Now it feels like an eternity

But why now have these feelings rose

Why now is my mind cloudy

Why now is the storm brewing

Where is the state of my mind

For that is a question becoming more confusing

For my vision is now disoriented

For I can't see my own two feet

Let alone the path I walk

And why now do these demons wake

Why now do they stir from sleep

Is it something recently occurred

Or a date lost but not forgotten

Are these demons of pain and loss

Of regret and suffering

Or are they an even darker emotion

Of emotions I fear to name

For these demons have wronged me before

And I'm afraid relapse is near

For now the path I walk is uncertain

But I know I won't be alone

For I have one thing by my side

The Demons leading me astray

Poems Of The Third OrderWhere stories live. Discover now