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They are the ones who know best

Tho ones who know love at first sight

The ones who don't need money to take care of us

They love those who might not love back

They might sometimes make mistakes

But they're usually there to correct it

They don't need showered in gifts

They don't need rare jewels and precious metals

All they need is a thank you...

And a little love back

No, mothers don't want to see their babies grow up

But they know it's for the best

No, not all mothers want their children to learn to fly...

But they will always be right by your side

For a mother really does know best

So treat every day with your Mother...

Like it's their last

Hey guys, I know this is different than my usual poems...but this poem is dedicated to MY mother.
Honestly you never know when a person could leave us, so en joy it while you can. Be grateful for what your mother has done for you...and do what I can't do and tell her thank you, cause that's all a mother wants.
Love you Mom, and thanks for all you've done.-Hoboghost

Paula A. Huston
April 27,1968--April 22,2010

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