The World

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Whenever duty calls and guess who's stepping in?

Tell the cavalry to saddle up and send them in

You start a tenderfoot
harden to veteran

Pressing on is how we honor all our fallen brethren

Soldiers - we were born to be

Sure looking forward to your retreat

It's way too late to sort the beef

Haters, you're nothing short of beaten

The price of freedom comes with war

And they can't afford one more defeat

Your profile's not so safe

When I got a rage on the way

I'm raining on your bulls on parade

I got a mind full of  hate and I wanna rage

I got these haters salty

Nothing but rubble from what used to be haters

Head on a swivel

boots on the ground

Back to where my roots can be found

We'll all rebuild tomorrow

but we're starting over now

I'm not alone

Im not going to fall

I know how it goes

When you want it all

Eyes in the sky

Boots on the ground

Now hold the line

I'm  rooting down

So you wanna start a war?

Then we'll take it to your door

Only banner you should fly

Is the one that's solid white

I don't do it for the glory

I don't do it for my girl

Not for honor or memorial

Because I do it for The World

Hey guys thanks for making it this far, I don't think I've ever truly said that. I was browsing the web and noticed a lot of hate(more than usual) towards people of color and of different religious beliefs, this poem is to say I support these people(no not the haters) and I'll help in this supposed "hate war"
I love you all
-Hoboghost/JT/TJ/Bean/Hob/The ghøst of Wattpad

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