Stoke the flame

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Caution: this is a very political poem if you're not political or like Trump please leave and not be mad about my view on the situation

Donald must be masochists

because he asked for this

I'm JT Huston, the opposite of pacifist

I'm here to cleanse Wattpad planet of oppressive savages

The statue of liberty has the only but I'd kiss

I came to shake the game up, make the water choppy

But I'm rolling with the pucnches, just like my father taught me

I'm like a new colossus: got up and started walking

Somebody tell the president to call off his paparazzi

We're not big fans of propaganda,
because we are not sheep (argh)

Watch me drop each tweet, like an awfully hot pot of coffee

There's a lot of rage in my body

If you got a problem then call mommy


Help, it's Hoboghost!

That's right I'll scare you silly

A nation, tainted with your hatred, makes it very filthy

Aw crap, did I trigger you, bigot?

Go home and scream on Twitter about it

I gotta believe in a world

Where trump is not on top

And the people are heard

Call off the Donald-caust

Do you remember, when this torch was burning brighter?

Must be a sign that now's the time to stoke the fire

I don't know why the people rally behind this freaking blowfish

So down and listen to this strictly clinical diagnosis

Mr. Trump - a sadistic little rager

Phychopathil, apathetic narcissistic dictator

Disposition of a little child with belligerent behavior

But he'll crap and piss himself before he gets me into danger

I got this toilet paper with some Donald's on them

So if you got to wipe your bottom - not a problem, I brought them

And if I knew Donald's father, I would've bought his some condoms

Oh thank God I'm not a chip off the block

Because I'm not the man that my father is

My mother's gone but not all is lost

I'm in a Donald-caust and it's gotta stop

I don't wanna, but if I gotta drop a bomb

I'll do it, not a qualm

Listen to my gritty-inner monologue
The new rage has been lit

Swallow your pride, but it might make you choke

You should get Twitter to go

I want freedom

Give me liberty or give me death, let's get even

I'm in deep but I keep my head up and lead
Run on empty until the engine's dead

I want - what

I said, I want - what

I said, I want - what

I said, I want freedom now

Mama told me: "grow up to be anything you want, kid"

Won't become quiet like my pop did

If you got a problem, make like a nuke and drop it

Got a date with death, but, damn, it's made me all the wiser

Turning dirty racist into fertilizer

Any final words? Every single time it's "crap"

I don't call it crime if you're a Donald-sympathizer

Try to put me down like a dog who got the rabies

Call myself a gentelmen, I'd never hit lady

Must be a sign that now's the time to Stoke the Flame

Hey guys I know I promised I would never talk politics...but I promised to speak up about hate and well I can't see a bigger hatter than Donald Trump...again I'm sorry for breaking my promise
Love you guys-hoboghost/TJ /Jt/bean/the ghost of Wattpad

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