
5 2 3

I know I've done wrong

I know I'm no good

So why can't you leave me alone

I'm haunted by my past

Shaken to the core

Paralyzed in grief

Driven by fear

I've tried to run

I've tried to hide

I've even tried to fight

I can't seem to escape my demons

And yet I know exactly why

I know why my conscious is screaming

I know why I can't cry

One reason is Subconsciously I don't want too

The other is even worse

The other comes from the worst feeling of all

The feeling of "what if"

What if I was there

What if I could change things

What if I was a better person

What if...




I can't think that way

I want to keep my sanity

I want to STAY free-thinking

I want to live my life

I want to love others again

And yet there's only one way to get rid of the "What If"

To take responsibility for my actions

And to do the unthinkable...

Apologies for the people I've wronged

Apologies for my ways

To say...

I'm Sorry

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