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I'm running through this emotion

Swimming through this doubt

Sneaking by the monsters of my past

Yet I can't escape

I keep fighting and trying

Rising and dying

And yet it only seems to get harder as the years roll by

And I feel it doesn't matter

Yet I try again and again

Why then do I keep running

Why then do I keep trying

When I don't even know where I'm going to

I can't stop even if I tried

I've done it for so long it's second nature

Yet here I am confused and flustered

That I can't seem to get away

I've become a fighter against the things I love

A hater to the things I've cherished most

Yet I keep slowly slipping away

For I've crossed the threshold from pain to panic

And now I don't know where to run

Hey guys this is actually not how I'm feeling right now...I was going through my old poems and found this and though it was pretty good. Let me know  how you guys feel...comments are always appreciated
Love you guys

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