Chapter 4

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Danielle's POV: 

"Where to next?" I asked.

"How bout a movie?" Liam suggested

We all agreed and argued on which movie we wanna watch.

"Insidious 2." Niall said. "Ehh.. Not feeling for a fright night." Zayn said.

"Toy Story?" Liam suggested. "Watched it too many times.."Harry said as we laughed.

"Safe Haven." El and Lou shouted. They love to watch it together. I smiled at their cuteness and lovey doveyness.

We all agreed and Liam drove off.


As we enter a room full of couples and lovers, the movie began.

After an Hour or so, we were out in tears. It was so beautiful.

"Are you Eleanor?" A girl came up to her. She looks like a directioner. How I can tell? 16. Bleached Blonde hair. One Direction bracelet. One Direction Necklace. One Direction t-shirt. One Direction everywhere!

"Uhm.. yeah." El answered.

"Well... Fuck you. Go to hell and stay away from the fucking boys. You should be more pretty like Danielle and Perrie. Stop acting like you love Louis and he loves you cause guess what? He doesn't so shut the fuck up slut and go die." She babbled.

Oh no..

"Uhm excuse me. I do love her so if you would just excuse us." Louis said, engulfing El and pushing past through the girl. The boys seems disgusted by her and so am I.

No one can say that to Eleanor. She is Beautiful and Perfect. She is kind and sweet and pretty.

Louis's POV: 

We got home and comforted Eleanor while she was tearing up. Liam and Danielle went to talk about something. Harry, Niall, and Zayn went to fix some food.

"It's alright love. Ignore the haters. Their harsh words are nothing but lies." I swayed her as her head cried into my chest.

"Do-do you lo-love me Lou-Louis? You-you do lo-love me ri-right?" She asked.

What the fuck? Is this a joke? Why would she say that? She knows I love her!

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?!? You haven't given me a reason not to." I said.

"Be-because I'm Ug-ugly and-and fat and stu-stupid and no-not worth you-your time." She stuttered as more tears escape her eyes. 

Please tell me she's joking.

"Yes your ugly and fat and stupid. But you know what? You may be ugly but you're beautiful to me. You may be fat but you're perfect to me. You may be stupid but you're smart to me. I don't care what they think. I care what you and the boys and myself think." I tell her. Each words soften her eyes. Except the first sentence which I think she thought differently..

"I love you Louis." She said hugging me.

"I love you too Eleanor." I kissed her forehead.





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