Chapter 14

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Eleanor's POV ;

I woke up as the same time as everyone else and my head was pounding like crazy!

We all groaned while the rest went back to their rooms and Perrie said some last goodbyes and left to said goodbye with Zayn in private.

I walk into the bathroom after getting my clothes and Louis went into the other bathroom with his clothes.

I took a nice shower, brushed my teeth, and took some aspirin.

I decided to go down to the hotel bar and get some breakfast so I left a note for Louis. I also thought that me and Danielle could go shopping today before their concert starts so I left Dani a message.

It was about 2 in the afternoon and we have a few hours before the concert starts at 8.

As I ate my breakfast, I scroll on twitter. I see some people commented on Niall's tweet yesterday and most of them was about me...


{Picture attached}"

I looked at the picture and it looked so much better..

They were all laughing and I wasn't in the picture to ruin it..

My phone beeps, snapping me out of my trance.

~ From Dani💖

Alright. Meet you down at the lobby!(: Xx ~

I finish my breakfast, paid the workers, grabbed my jacket, and head out to the lobby, where I met Danielle.


"So. What should we wear for the concert ?!?" Dani yelled in excitement, looking at the dresses on the rack.

"Hmm... pink, red, or black ?" I asked her.

"Uhm.. black."

"Okay. How bout this dress then ?" I held up a black strapless dress that reached mid-thigh and had a zig-zag pattern down the back.

"I'll go try it on. I think this red one would match you." She said smiling and holding up a red, sparkling, loose shoulders strap dress that reached mid-thigh. On the back, it had a cute little black bow.

We smiled when we were down trying it on and paid for it.

"This is going to be a perfect night!" I jumped excitedly as she laughed at me.

Surprisingly, no fans were here to interrupt our shopping time. Not that we don't like getting pictures and that stuff it's just that they were probably getting ready for the concert as well.

We got into the car and drove back to the hotel. The boys were gone because the had to get ready at the stadium and everything.

Me and Dani got ready and we look pretty to be honest.. of course Danielle's dancing body gave the dress a little more kick to it.

After the concert, we would all go eat so that's why we're all dressed up.

We finally arrived at the stadium and me and Danielle went straight back stage. We didn't need passes or tickets cause they already knew us.

We sat on the couches, waiting for the boys to come out..

Our Moments. (Elounor Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora