Chapter 30

911 30 4

Eleanor's POV (3 weeks later) ;

I woke up and untangled myself from Lou. It's been 3 weeks since me and Louis talked about the marriage thing. I actually put deep thought into it even more. I'm nervous yet eager at the same time.

I walk to the kitchen and decided to make some tea.

As I threw away the empty pouch, I see a familiar yet odd box.

Oh dear lord Jesus please help whomever that decided to throw away a box of condoms at a location where it is very visible.

I cringed disgustingly as I shut the trash quickly.

I sip on my tea and made some ham and cheese omelets while I was at it.

As on Que, the boys and girls walks in and sat down at the island.

"Eh-hem. I would like to speak to everyone this morning." I held my gaze on Zayn, Harry, Sky, and Perrie.

They all gave me a worried looked.

"Next time, please throw away the box of condoms where it is hidden and out of eye sight." I giggled and went back to serve everyone. Harry and Sky blushed hard and that's when I knew who did it. Ew..

Everyone laughed and finished breakfast as we had small talk.

"So... What's the agenda for today??" Perrie chirped. Yup. Surprisingly, Little Mix was taking a longer break then usually.

"Well. We were thinking of going out for lunch after we take a walk in the park around here. We can meet some fans on the way." Liam said.

"Yeah. I miss those crazy mofos." Niall chuckled.

"Then we plan on maybe going shopping after lunch. For clothes for our next tour and you guys of course." Zayn said, happily.

"Sounds like a plan." Sky and Cam excitedly yelled. They love shopping.

We got out of the car and split up in pairs. Niall and Cam. Harry and Sky. Liam and Dani. Zayn and Perrie. And of course, Louis and me. We decided to meet at the ice cream cart in 30 minutes.

"It feels like forever since we had these walks." Louis mumbled, looking down at his shoes.

"Yeah.. it has." I smile.

Soon enough, we were surrounded by a fair amount of girls.

All of them pushed me out of the way and got to Louis. A frown formed on my face as me and Louis's entwined fingers separated.

"Ew. Move out of the way you beard." A red head pushed me further out.

I sigh as I sat on a park bench, watching Louis smile at the 'innocent' looking teens. Little did he know, they were actually hurtful. But I guess that's life. I mean, it's Louis's fans. They love him and can I blame them?

"Can I have a picture?" An 11 year old girl asked me.

"Sure." I smiled.

We snap a quick pic and before she left, she handed me something.

"I'm sorry for all of the hate. You honestly don't deserve it. I got these for you. " She whispered as she have me a bouquet of white and pink roses.

"Thank you so much." I hug her tightly.

I watch her walk back to the cart of flowers across the park. A middle age man hugged her and she pointed to me. I assume it was her father. He waved at me and I gave him a light wave.

"Okay! That's all for today, loves. See ya next time." Louis chuckled as he walked towards me. I got up and we began to walk towards the ice cream cart.

"Well looks like someone adores you." He said as he looked at the pink and white delightfulness.

"Yeah. She was sweet." I smile at the roses.

As we walk away, I heard the teens spat hurtful things at me.

I kept my eyes on the roses and clenched to them tightly but not too tight.

"It's okay. I love you." Louis whispered.

"Thanks.. I love you too." We arrived at the cart shortly to be greeted by the other lads.

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