Chapter 21

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First off, I just wanna thank all of y'all for getting me to 2.2k reads ! Thank you so much, I love you guys ! You're the best ! couldn't have done any of this without you guys. I know that's not a lot compare to most of others but it is to me<3 Thanks, for everything. 💕😍😘 You guys are the reason why I continue to write(: <3

Louis's POV ;

"Eleanor." I mumbled. No answer. That's when it hit me. The cold bed, the extra space, she already left..

I look at the time and it was 8:30 AM.

I walked to the bathroom, caution not to wake Liam and Dani on the other bed.

I walk to the kitchen and saw a note, More like a letter, written in her beautiful hand-writing.

" Dear Everyone,

It's been nice going on tour with you guys. Thanks for all the fun time I had from the clubs to the Falls. I'm sorry I won't be able to shop with you anymore Dani. I hope you and Liam have a nice time. I'm sorry guys but I really think it's best that I go. If you need me, FaceTime me or call me. Don't hesitate! I love you guys more than anything and I don't think we'll see each other much often as well. Louis will explain to you... I wish you guys the best of luck with the concerts and tours. Also in your music. I love you guys. I love you Dani. And Louis... I miss you.. I love you more than anything...

~El. "

A tear made it's way down my cheek. She was really gone...

"Hey mate. Watcha doing up do early?" Liam enter the room. Follow by Dani, followed by Harry then Niall and lastly, Zayn.

I left the note on the counter and without a word, I went to make a cup of tea. About right now, El would probably want Starbucks than tea.. I smile at the moment.

I went over to the couches and plopped down, my heart sinking further.

"I'm sorry.." I heard Harry's voice said. They all approached me with sad eyes and wait for me to explain. I told them about the break-up and everything.. each word stung even more as I continue.

"I'm sorry man but let's push that aside yeah? We have a concert today and afterwards, we'll find a way to solve this. " Zayn said. I nodded and went back to the room, getting ready for our last practice before the concert.


I look out from backstage. Screaming fans everywhere. I'm glad that we weren't doing the meet and greet today. I know I'll get lots of comments about Eleanor. Plus, I just don't think I can make it through.

The screams got louder and I realized they found me. I walk back and sat on my chair, waiting for Lou.

"Hey Lou." She greeted. I chuckled. This was our thing.

"Hi to you too Lou. Where's Lux?" I asked.

"With Harry." She pointed I looked over and he was cooing and laughing with her. She giggled and laughed while playing with his hand. I smiled.

"Where's Eleanor?" Lou shook me out of my thought.

"She went back home.. we broke up.." I said frowning.

"What happened?" her expressions soften through the mirror as she does my hair and that stuff.

"Fans.." I replied. She knew so she just nodded.

"Here's the songs we're doing for today." Liam came and handed them to me. I mumbled a 'thanks' and he headed off to Dani as I looked at the list.

1. Same Mistakes. (I know they don't actually do it but work with me here? Thanks.)

2. Change My Mind.

3. Half A Heart.

4. Irresistible.

5. Why Don't We Go There.

6. Alive.

7. Over Again.

8. Moments.

I look at them over and over again. Why did this concert, out of all of the rest, had to be mostly emotional.. this just reminds me more of Eleanor..

I gave a huge sigh and toss the paper on the counter.

"All done." Lou said. I thanked her and head to the rest.

"Good luck on your last concert of the tour." Dani said to us as she head towards backstage. This is our last concert till next year.

"Ready guys?" Liam said. We all chorused a 'yes' and did out handshake.

With Niall's playful deep voice, it added more positive sides to it.

"Let's Go!" We all shouted and headed off to the stage.

"ONE DIRECTIONN!!!" They all shouted. Liam motioned them to scream louder and they did. I chuckled lightly at this.

We all did the songs and he boys look at me. By now, we're all in tears and we all knew about who.

"Okay. Our last song is about someone special." Harry's raspy and cracked voice spoke into the microphone.

I stood there and listen to the song or sang to the chorused. It was my turn..

"Hands are silent.

Voices numb.

Try to scream out my lungs.

It makes this harder. "

The fans stared at me.. silent everywhere. The boys eyes are on me.. everything's silent.

"And... the tears.. str..str.."

"I'm sorry everyone. I can't do this." I said into the mic, sobbing, as I ran off stage, grab my things, and asked the driver to take me back to the hotel.

I threw my stuff on the bed and locked myself in the bathroom. I swear I saw something of Eleanor's. A mini luggage bag? Purse? Sweater? I didn't care I just locked myself in the bathroom quickly.

I cried and cried, saying Eleanor's name every now and then..

"Eleanor.." I mumbled in my sobs.

"I miss you baby." I cried.

"I love you.."

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