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Tyler's POV

We arrived at the valley. We seen vampires fighting with each other, and most of them killing humans.

Right away our pack jumped in.

I seen 2 girls torturing a vampire.


They see me, and zoom over to me. "Oooooooo, werewolf sis."

"Delightful huh sis?"

I bite my cheek. "Why do I always have problems with siblings,"

They smirk.

I couldn't help but notice how familiar they looked. They seemed to notice too cause they gave a confused look.


My eyes widened.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remeber us? Your sisters best friends. Well, one of them."

"I have a sister!?"

The other nods. "What are you Tyler?"

"I-i'm a umm, a blood wolf."

Their mouths form into an 'o'

"Aaliya must've made you forget not just your death, but your whole life."

"Who's Aaliya?!"

"She's the blood wolf alpha. The alpha of all blood wolves. She's your alpha. She's also back in town."


I turn around, seeing an arrow coming for me.

I catch it with my hand. It starts to burn my hand. "AHHHHHHH!"

I fall to the ground.

"What's wrong?!"

"Wolves bane." I grit.

My hand finally cools off. "Shit. That fucking hurt."

They stand still, bodies starting to shake. "Guys what's wrong?"

They stand still, paralyzed.

I look at Ian, the same. Everyone looked scared shitless. The twins looked as confused as me.

I hear leaves crunching. I look forward and see a girl walking.

"Hello Tyler,"

"I don't think we've officially met."

She smirks at me.

She plays with the leaves. Crunching them in her hand. Almost sounded like bones crushing.

"You've probably been looking for me. You've probably heard of me."

I gasp.


She smiles.

"I'm Aaliya. In other words, the blood wolf alpha in town. Your blood wolf alpha."

I was walking with my alpha. It felt so wierd. I felt so unsafe.

"If your here to kill me, just do it."

She laughed.

"Why would I kill the first blood wolf I created?"

I stop walking and look at her.

"I'm back in town for you. I turned you a while back. I wanted to see how you've done. What you've turned into. May I say, I'm proud. You were my first. I'm glad to see what an accomplishment you have become."

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