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Tyler's POV

I walked into my house stomping. Today was so annoying.

Ian walked in with his arms crossed. "What?" I say acting like I didn't know.

He ran over to me and grabbed my throat. He slammed he against the wall.

I tried prying his hand off for air, but he was too strong.

"Are you CRAZY?!" He said through his gritted teeth. He let go of me.

I fell to the ground, gasping.

"You can expose us. And don't think that I won't hurt you if you think it's ok to hurt other people." He gave me a glare and walked out.

I heard laughing and seen Dylan.

I got up and rubbed my throat while rolling my eyes. "Haha, so funny!" I said sarcastically.

"Ty, ever since you let your alter ego in you've become more stupid."

I punched his shoulder. "Fuck off."

He put his hands up in defense. "I'll fuck off just for you." He winked. Did that even make sense?

I squint my eyes at him, and shoo my hands.

He scoffs and walks out.

I plop on the couch. I get a call from someone. I look at the contact and see Rose.


"Meet me at the grill, ASAP. Bye."

She hung up. I groaned. I was so tired today. The only reason I'm going is cause I was hungry anyways.

I made it to the grill and spotted Rose.

She walked up to me.

"Why'd you do it."

I back away. "Do what?"

"Save me. I though you hated me."

I start laughing. My eyes stared getting watery from how hard I was laughing.

I caught my breathe and she gave me a confused look.

"You really think I like you? You really think I'd care if you died? I didn't save you, I didn't save anyone! I didn't like the fact that someone was pretending to be me. I got angry, and attacked. So if this is what this is all about, fuck off. I don't care about you or anyone!"

"Grayson likes you!" She blurs out.

I freeze. "W-what?"

Her eyes get watery. "He said we were a one night stand. He actually likes you." She starts crying.

I stare at her. She stops crying and looks at me. I smile at her.

I bring up my middle fingers slowly and start moving them like waves.

"I don't. Give a. FUCK!" I yell in her face, chuckling afterwards.

"I could care less about that dick. Bye now Rose."

"Tyler! I know your there." I look at her. She continues, "The real you Tyler! I know your down there listening. Come back Ty! I miss you." She starts crying.

I clench my fist. I grab her throat and lift her off the ground.

"Stop." I tighten my grip. "Trying." I tighten it more. "To." More. "Fix." More. "Me!" I tightened it so hard I'm suprised her head didn't fly off.

I let go and walk away.

Rose's POV

"Now what good friend would I be if I gave up on you?" I mumble.

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