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Tyler's POV

Alice holds me back.

"Let me go!" I shout.

"Tyler stop!"

I push her off. Everyone stares at me. "Five years. FIVE YEARS LOCKED UP IN A COFFIN."

"People have been through worse!" They look at Seethle.

"Yeah, but I'm not a very good person. And being dead sucked. So let me kill this fucker before I lo-"

"Tyler stop!" Lisa rubs Alice on the arms.

I run out the door and pick up his scent. I smirk, as the wind blows it perfectly at me.

Eva's POV

I'm the witch. I was new to the school and these people helped me out.

The last five years with them was hectic. They always talked about this Tyler girl and everything she's been through.

Alice started to panic.

"She's gonna die. Again!"

"Alice calm down. She can kill him." They all look at me. I sigh, getting ready to explain. You'd be suprised how much witches know.

"A blood wolf is close to a hybrid. The only difference is that a hybrid is an actual vampire and wolf. Usually you get turned by a bite right? Well blood wolves have to die with their alphas blood in their system. Like vampires."

"So what your saying is.." Alex says.

"What I'm saying is that they practically have the same power and stuff. Think about it, why is Brandon so scared of her?"

"But hybrids are rare." Grayson says.

"So are blood wolves.." Stefan states.

"All this time we haven't been paying attention to her real power that she has." Lena exclaimed.

Tyler's POV

I follow him to an old shack thing. He turns around and smiles weakly.


I grab his throat and push him into the ground roughly.

"You killed me!"

"No hard feelings!" He choked out.

I reached my hand into his stomach and twisted his heart. "No hard feelings." I smiled gripping it hard. I got ready to pull it out but someone pushed me off.

"Grayson? How'd you come so fast?"

Brandon ran off. I punched him in the face. "You idiot! Brandon got away!" He rubbed the spot I punched.

"Wait a minute.."

I grabbed a knife and stabbed him. I took it out and it healed right away.

"No way." I whispered.

I ran into the house. "YOU TURNED GRAYSON?!"

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