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Tyler's POV

I walk to the back of the school and see Ross.

He doesn't see me and I take the time to snap his neck.

I hear screams that sound familiar and I soon recognized the voice.

"Rose.." I whisper.

I run to the place and see Brandon standing infront of Rose and the twins.

"STOP IT!" She screams.

He transforms and runs up to her.

What I saw next ruined me.

"No." I whisper. Tears fill my eyes.

I feel like my world has just fallen apart. Then everything hits me. The people I killed, what I did to Rose, and the twins.

I'm back.

My alter ego is finally gone.

I run to Rose's dead body. "No! NO PLEASE ROSE!"

I cry. She hold my cheek. "Your back." She whispers smiling. I nod and shake her.

"Please, No! DON'T ROSE!"

Her grip loosens and I know that she passed.

I look at Brandon, anger taking over me. I turn into a complete monster.

He backs up.

"Tyler I had too."

I turn my alter ego back on. Why? Why did it just come off and I turned it back on?

Oh yeah, the pain was unreal.

I then feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

This ass cut me. I fall to my knees.

Brandon runs off and the twins come to me. I then see Alice and she's calling someone.

I've held on for 5 minutes and all my siblings are here.

"She's not gonna make it." Lisa cried. "Tyler.." Lena can't finish before sobbing.

I see Alex punching lockers and screaming about ripping Brandon's head off.

Seethle grabs my hand, looking me in the eyes. Even he was crying. Alice was curled up in a ball.

Damon and Stefan were the worst. They were going crazy. I soon seen a bright light, and called Grayson over.

He was crying. I grabbed his face and kissed him.

He kissed back. I pulled away and sighed.

"See yall on the other side." One tear slipped out my eye and I knew I was dead.

5 years later

My eyes opened and I closed them again.

I was in a coffin

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I was in a coffin. I kicked it open, but a bunch of dirt fell on me. I found a way to climb out.

The smell of fresh air filled my nose. Finally.

I dusted myself off and looked around. I slowly walked on the sidewalk, admiring what five years has done to this place.

Nothing really. I grab someone and rip their head off. I suck the blood from their wrist.

I smile and walk into the woods where my house was. I bet your wondering,

How am I alive? Didn't I die? What the fuck?

Well I did die. I died with my alter ego on and so I came back with it.

And how I'm back,

Someone brought me back. A witch, and I don't know why or who.

I walk by the door and hear fighting.

"Why did you bring her back?!" Brandon yells.

"She's our sister, GET OVER YOURSELF!" I hear Alice.

I hear more fighting. "Grayson watch out!" I hear Ethan yell.

I walk in and slam the door. Everyone looks at me in shock.

"Well, hey to you too."

Ian walks in and he freezes. "Tyler?!"

"Who brought me back?"

They all look at this random girl clinging onto Grayson.


"Y-yes" Stefan stutters probably still in shock.

I walk over to her and examine her.

"So your the famouse Tyler Blood?"

"Yes. And your the nobody who's not gonna disrespect me, right?"

I smell how nervous she is.

"No." She spits.

I punch her. "I might have been dead but I'm very strong. I can smell fear little girl." I flick her head.

I look over at Brandon.


He gulps. "Your done."

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