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Grayson's P.O.V

The next day I woke up in my bed. I got up and dressed, and packed some blood bags just incase.

I walked outside, waiting for Ethan. I was soon roughly pressed against a wall. I punched the person and shoved them.

"Oww." The guy said rubbing his cheek.


"Yeah, dipshit. Thanks for noticing now." He said sarcastically.

"Well don't attack me,"

Another figure scoffs. "If that's your way of thinking someone is attacking you, I don't know what you'll do when someone tries to actually kill you."

Seethle was here too.

"What can I get the two brothers today?" I ask annoyed. I was gonna be late for school, and Ethan's little ass better hurry up.

"Listen, Tyler has a week spot for you."

"Ok. But she has her alter ego on. And how would she have a week spot for me?"

"First of all, her alter ego just makes her evil. Do evil things. Even if she saved us, her mind processed fighting as evil. She doesn't care, but really she does. Everyone has a dark side. But their all different. Some dark sides, still feel very little feelings." Damon states.

"And she has very little feelings about you. Your her week spot." He continues.

I just stand there. "God, you are so stupid. She likes you Grayson! Before she turned on the alter ego she loved you! Those feeling don't just go away!" Seethle exclaims.

Seethle was actually pretty scary to be the YOUNGEST out of all of them.

My eyes widened. "So, she likes me?"

"Yes, and we want you to turn her back to normal."

I smile at her liking me, but stop when they tell me the next sentence.

"No. I can't. That's like, an impossible mission. Hell no."

Damon clenched his jaw. "I told you Seethle. It wouldn't work." He said through gritted teeth.

They walk away and Ethan finally comes out.

"Ethan," I say. He ignores me. Ever since I've turned into a vampire he's been ignoring me. Mainly cause I didn't tell him.

"Ethan stop!" I run infront of him. His face is red. "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME GRAY!"

He punches me. It hurts, just not alot really. I would've deserved it though.

"I was scared that you weren't gonna love me anymore. That you would reject me. I turned cause I was tired of everyone protecting us. I wanted to protect you!"

I start raising my voice.

Ethan sighed, and looks down. "Whatever, let's go."

I pick him up and run to school. He laughs a bit, but clears his throat right away.

I walk into school and spot Tyler. "Tyler!" I shout.

She see's me and just continues doing her stuff. I walk up to her.

I just watch her as she does her stuff. She gave me a few glances, before groaning and leaning against her locker, looking at me.


"Admit it."

She laughs. "Admit what?"

"I kissed you, and you seem to be fine with it. Now, your starting to care for me,"

She bites the inside of her cheek. "So what your saying is..."

"You like me."

She scoffs. "Please."

I smirk. "Kiss me." I say.

"What the hell? No. Ok listen, your crazy. And I have to get to class and try and kill someone so if you would excuse me,"

She walked away but I grabbed her wrist. I pulled her into my chest. She tried wiggling her way out.

"Calm down Ty, I know you don't mind."

I hear her grunt but finally settle down in my arms. We just stay like that.

"Hug me back." I whisper.

"No!" She whisper/yells back.

"You hugged me when I was at your place, hug me here!" I whisper back to her.

"That's cause you were acting like a bitc-" I give her a glare.

She slowly wraps her arms around my chest as I wrap her whole upper body.

The bell rings and she tries pulling away. I make her look at me and slowly kiss her.

She pushes me away softly.

"I have to get to class."

Tyler's POV

What the fuck? I feel like he's up to something. Like he doesn't really wanna do it.

And I know for a fact that if I was my normal self, I'd be gushing over what he did.

It was finally lunch and I made my way outside.

I spotted a girl walking on the streets.

I walked up to her. "Hi! Can we talk for a second. I need directions." I ask, pretending to be lost with a smile.

"Oh, sure. Where do you want to go?"

I grab her wrist into the woods. I grow my fangs and claws. Before she can scream, I claw her face. She falls to the ground and the rest of what goes down is pretty cruel.

I don't know why I lost so much control today.

I wipe my mouth and enter the school again. This kill was faster, so there was still a few minutes.

A girl walked up to me. "Hi, I'm-"

I cut her off. "Not interested."

I cut through the line and grab a bagel, while people groan and cuss at me.

I sit at a table and she follows. "You didn't let me finish,"

"And I don't care. Bye now!" I shoo her off. She growls and I look at her weirdly.

She looks at me and her eyes widened.

I leave my bagel and grab her into a corner.

"Who are you?"

"I-i'm Beth!"

"Who are you really?!" I yell.

She jumps, but morphs into a different girl. A familiar girl.

I roll my eyes.

"So tell me, shape shifter, what was your plan? Become my friend, then kill me and act like you knew nothing of it? Then slowly kill my friends and family one by one?"

She stays silent.

"ding ding ding!" I say. I definitely hit her hard with my questions.

"Stay away from me." I punch her hard and she goes flying. The school bell rings, and it's back to class for me.

Stupid shape shifter. That bagel was actually good.


This is crap😪

But no one reads my stories anymore so..☺

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