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Tyler's POV

Allen stood there with a scared face.

"Allen, you idiot!"

"I'm sorry!"


I shook my head. All of our lives are in danger. If your confused, let me explain.

There is an original. You know, the first ever vampires. The thing is, is he hates vampires. And every supernatural creature.

My pack and this vampire clan made a deal with him 100 years ago. We wouldn't turn any supernatural hunter into a supernatural thing.

Grayson's parents hunt down vampires, I guess. He's basically a hunter.

"For suck sakes Allen, he's a vampire hunter. Liam is gonna come for us all!"

Allens face turned even more pale wich suprised me.

"Oh. My. God."

Makena comes down. "What's going on?" She asks concerned.

"Your stupid ass member turned a hunter into a vampire." She stays silent.


She gasps. "Allen!"

Allen looks down. I grab Grayson's ear and drag him out to the front of my house.

I punch him.

"Before you think about being supernatural, think about us. Do you really know that much about us then you think! Dumb shit!"

He rubs his nose.

I sigh. "See you at school."

He walks- more like speeds, away.

I scoff. "Fucking dick head." I mumble.

I walk in and see everyone in a circle.

"Ian, what is goi-"

"Pack meeting. And your siblings."

I lean against a wall.

"We heard that Grayson was turned."

I give a confused look. "You guys didn't know?" They shake their heads.

"He's good at hiding it for a newborn." Lena says.

Isabelle raises her hand. Ian stares at her. "Isn't there a guy that we all fear or whatever?"

"Yeah dumbass. His name is Liam." I say, rolling my eyes.

Stefan snarts.

Some people look confused.

"Liam is an original. About 1000 years old. Maybe even 2000." Damon started.

"He was a supernatural hunter. He hated us. All of us." Alice mumbles.

"So when he was turned, he took out his rage by trying to hunt us all down and kill us." Alex continues.

Seethle finally finished the rest. "And so, 100 years ago the supernatural creatures tried reasoning with him. Making a deal saying that we would never turn a hunter ever again as long as he lives. But now that Allen turned Grayson,"

"He's coming for all of us. He's gonna kill every last one of us!" Lisa yells, scaring everyone. She starts laughing.

"How did you guys find out?" I asked.

"Makena called." Lena answers.

I nod. The door soon busts open and we all slowly turn around. The whole vampire group of Makena is here.

So is Aaliya, and Clair, and Clark.

"We have to join forces." Makena states.

"We need to kill-" Clair starts but is cut off by an unfamiliar voice.

"Me. You guys need to kill me."

Stefan spits out his blood. "Liam.."

Ok latley I feel like I've been doing alot of suprises, but I hope that's ok lol😂

Well I hope yall enjoyed this ch. see yall next ch.🤗

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