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Tyler's POV

"Your here already?" I ask glumly.

He smirks. "What can I say?" He shrugs still smirking.

"That your an obsessed idiot if you think I'm getting it on with you."

I walk away. I look back, and he's clenching his fist and jaw.

"I thought you liked bad boys!" He yells.

"Not asshole's!" I yell back.

Rose's POV

I was walking with Gray out of the washroom. My head was pounding. I never thought that Tyler would do that.

But then again I never thought I'd do what I'm doing right now.

Grayson sighed. "You know, we can't do this." He looked down.

"What?" My eyes widened.

"I got a call from Ian. She let her alter ego side take over. We hurt her. Your supposed to be her BFF. And I was supposed to be the guy that took care of her."

"Ok, but I like you alot Grayson. That's kinda why we fucked."

He looks down. "What." I say.

"We fucked cause it was a one night stand. Ethan actually likes you. Not me. I like Tyler."

I felt my heart break. I ran away, sobbing.

I ran into the gym. No one was here cause lunch had just ended.

I heard footsteps walking in. I looked up to see Tyler.

I wiped my tears. "What do you want."

She smirks. "I want alot of things Rose,"

She walks closer. I start backing away slowly.

"But what I want from you, is to be dead." I freeze. It's like my body was frozen in place.

Tyler grabs a wooden broom and breaks it in half. She laughs.

"Steak+vampire heart=dead Rose. I like it!" She smiles, then gets closer.

Then someone else runs in. Another Tyler?

"Rose?" She says. Both Tyler's look at eachother.

My eyes widen. "SHAPE SHIFTER!" I yell at one of the Tyler's.

They go at eachother and I don't know if I should stand there or help.

Tyler's POV

It felt wierd. It was like beating up myself.

The other me threw me across the room. I crashed into the stage, where all the instruments were.

I looked up, and then seen the other me shift into Grayson.

I backed away like how people do in those scary movies. At the moment I couldn't do anything else.

"I don't like that Tyler!" The shifter came closer.

Tyler, run!

My other side was telling me. Then my evil alter ego said something else.

I got up and punched the shifter. The shifter flew across the room.

The shifter got up. "Ok! Let's play dirty!"

It shifted into Damon.

"Wouldn't hurt your brother would you?"

"No. But I'd hurt someone pretending to be my brother."

She runs towards me. I run towards her too. I then tackle her, and we both fall hard on the ground.

She manages to get up quickly and kick me in the face. I get up, holding my nose.

I growl. "That's enough!"

I turn into a real wolf. The tables are soon turned, and fear fills the shifter eyes.

The shifter turns into a girl that I've never seen before. I'm guessing her original face.

She tries running, but as an actual physical wolf, I got infront of her. I roared, maybe a bit too loud.

I started heating footsteps, and a few kids started walking in. They all gasped.

"Stop it!" Rose shouted. I could tell she wasn't saying my name for a reason. I looked at Rose, when I looked back the girl was gone.

I roared in anger.

I charged at Rose, knocking her off her feet. She got up quickly, and punched me. It's like I always forget she's a vampire, and just as strong.

But she doesn't feed off humans. That gives me a huge advantage.

I bite her arm, making sure to tear it open.

She screams. I get off her, and run out the gym. Kids were chasing after me.

The fucking idiots were even trying to touch me. One kid pulled my tail. I turned around and jumped on him.

I roared at him. My eyes went from a plain yellow to a red with yellow.

He froze like he was paralyzed. I took my claws and scratched his face up. Then I sunk my fangs into his neck.

I sucked out all his blood. I listened to his pulse slow down, then completely stop.

I got up and ran out.

I remebered that one time me and Rose were talking.

"One day I might hurt someone. Maybe you, or someone at school!" I said trying to convince her.

"Oh please Ty! Your too good."

"No! I will do it!"

She laughed. "Your bluffing!" And she rolled her eyes.

Am I bluffing now?

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