Chapter 22

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Suga POV

I kept flipping page by page of the book in my hands. I don't even know why am I reading, when I should be at home, sleeping.

But I actually should know, what the reason is.

Yoo Jiae.

I didn't see her after school, but had an idea that she would come here, to the library. Grandpa literally laughed seeing me here and I just rolled my eyes. As I went in, and directly went to her favourite spot...

She wasn't there.

So I waited for about an hour now with a book in my hand that says. The Art Of Music.


I finally closed the book without understanding it and stood up. I give up waiting, she must had went somewhere else to calm her mind.

I do understand that everyone needs their alone time, but in the end they still need a friend. A friend by their side that can at least remind them, that they are not alone.

As I put back the book on the respective shelf, I leisurely walked to the front door thinking ways to make Jiae be Jiae again. Should I bring her somewhere?

A picnic? To the movies? To the beach? Basketball? An arcade? To think that bringing her to this places sounds like more of a date then consoling.

You are such a loser in this kind of things. My subconscious gave a remark that I didn't asked for.

But it is true, I really am a loser at these things.

Told you so.

Will you just shut up. I am angry with my own self. Then there were no voices in my head.

Great just great.

I let out a heavy sighed and was already heading in front of the library's door until..

"Suga?" Great, now my ears are playing with me. How could he even be here?

I ignored that voice and still continued my walk until I felt a tap on the shoulder. I was curious if my mind is still playing with me or not. So, I turned around only to be surprised by the person smiling happily in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I heard my mouth said. Now, why does my voice sound so hoarse.

"Should ask the same question to you. Are you really Suga?" He eyed me up and down.

There was something suspicious but I play along. "Are you really Mark, then?"

He laughed and was shhh by the librarians. Mark quickly closed his mouth and bowed jokingly sorry to the librarian. He was never serious in anything, especially rules.

"Just accompanying my girlfriend" He smoothly said as he straightened his back.

"Girlfriend?" And I felt a familiar person walked by fast passed me. It felt like she was running from something.

"Hey!" Mark called for her and again he was shhh. But this time he didn't care. He only took two large steps before gripping the girl's arm stopping her tracks.

I could hear the girl grunted and struggled to let go of his tight grip. Mark only laughed like it was a joke and pulled her closer to him as he shoulder hug her. The girl stop struggling but kept hanging her head low with her hair covering her face.

And now I only knew who the girl actually was.

"You are not running away from me~" Mark sang happily as he closed the gap between them. I could see Jiae looks very uncomfortable but...

I don't know what to do.

"So she's your girlfriend?" I asked with a fake smile on my lips.

"NO!" Jiae suddenly shouted and now it was her turn to be shhh. Mark just giggled while I eyed her very closely. She really looks like she wants to go back home.

"She's just shy" Mark said while stroking her left cheek. And literally I felt something trigger in me.

"But she's the one who made you come here, isn't this your first time?"

"Haha.. well it's really fun sleeping here, we should come here often, right Jiae?" Mark tilted his head to look at her still hanged low head.

"Mark, I really want to go home now" Jiae said through gritted teeth.

Mark lips were pressed into thin line, the face that says that he is understanding something very thoroughly.
And I only stood there like a fool, watching them.

"Well, I have to run my errands today, sorry I can't send you home" he finally let go of the hug and I calmed down a bit. I didn't notice then I felt a tension in my body just seeing them so, so close.

Jiae lifted a bit her head and we made eye contact for a second before she turned her head to face Mark. Mark had a faint smile.
"So see you tomorrow morning?" He asked gleefully. I questioned it and Jiae didn't reply.

Mark sighed and ruffled her already messy hair. "Hey!" Jiae pushed of his hand and Mark only giggled. "I almost thought your voice was lost"

"Now why would my voice would get lost?" She scoffed

"Of course, Because of me" and he winked. Again something triggered in me. I was counting numbers in my head to calm myself without understanding why should I get mad. Am I jealous?

Like seriously Yoongi why are you so dumb?

Look who come back. I smirk to myself.

"Well bye then" Mark suddenly bid to both of us as he ran down the hall staircase, flipped his skateboard and was already rolling on the stone path in a flash.

I stood there watching his back until it disappeared with the raying sun dawn.

Which reminds me. It is already evening.

I moved my attention back to the girl in front of me. She still had that sad look as she also looked at me. Without any words, she also quicken her phase to ran down the stairs.

"Jiae!" I called her two times but she didn't turn or slow or stop her tracks. I almost want to give up until..

"Jiae!" someone called her and I am very grateful for that, because she finally stop. More like she has to because it was Grandpa.

She slowly turned around with her face facing grandpa but her eyes were looking elsewhere.

I jog a little towards Grandpa's vendor, with a satisfied smile. Grandpa ignored me and was more focused with Jiae.

"Did you eat today?" he asks concernedly.


I'm very sick today.

but still can't wait for SEVENTEEN'S COMEBACK. #VERYNICE

Today is a really bad lucky day for me.

RAYA is coming, so can't update for a while.

SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all the muslims out there.

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