Chapter 29

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I waited at my usual spot for that usual someone. I drummed my fingers on my knee as I nervously looked around me

"Or in short say Suga's house?"

His question rang in my mind. A good thing that Mr. Oh called my name from a far, saving me from an intense atmosphere.

How did he knew? His neighbourhood is like the opposite of ours. And I believe he has no reason to pass by.

"Hey!" I felt a pat on my shoulder, stopping my buzzy thoughts.

I tried to smile. "Hey."

He had a frown at his face. He knows me better.

"Did something happen today?" He asked worriedly. People may not even believe he has this side of him.

"Nothing big" I responded as I start to take a walk first leaving the school gates.

"Your face doesn't say so" he said as he followed.

I let out a chuckle." Well what does my face say?"

Yoongi took two long strides as he blocked my path. Now why is everyone wanting to block my path today.

He bend his head so it was levelled the same with mine. He was studying me with his curious face.

"It says you were shocked by something" And I hate it when he was right.

"Well what it might be then?" I try to play along, still keeping this morning incident a secret.

"Something...hmm... big?" He made a guess and I smiled seeing his funny face. He looks too cute for his age.

I took a step around pass him. "Wrong" I denied. "It's nothing to discuss about"

Even thought I couldn't see it, by I felt he was pouting sadly behind my back.

"Yoongi, I felt like I want to eat some ice cream today" I try to walk beside him now. Hands linking with each other.

I only dare to be this close with him only outside of school and not near Grandpa. He will kill us if he knew the truth.

Yeah, we are officially a couple right now. But a secret one.

Considering our different backgrounds at school like a normal low profile geek girl and a popular DJ captain basketball school team . We wouldn't take any risks on how people would react about it.

"Ice cream? It's getting cold Jiae" He raised his voice surprised.

I whinec as I swayed our hands together. " One ice cream won't hurt" as I showed number one with my finger.

"I'm getting scared of you Jiae, you're acting weird again"

I try to feel offended, and let go of our hands and started walking fast. "It's okay if you don't want, shouldn't have bother asking you either"

"Jiae come on" He try to keep up with my pace. but I felt a little mischievous today.

So I ran.

"Catch me if you can!" I showed him my tounge and ran off.

"JIAE!" Yoongi shouted my name and also started running, chasing me.

I laughed it off, I just need a relax of mind for a while.

Being with him, is like escaping the reality I am in, is like there is no sadness with him, it is like a happily ever after kind of book. Just staying close with him.

When I felt I ran enough and the library has came into view, I slowed down my phase. When suddenly Yoongi hugged me from behind, lifting and turning me around. I screamed on top of my lungs of happiness.

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