Chapter 21

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Aria Day

"It's Harley, yunno what it do, leave a message after that beep."

I called his phone again, after the tenth time of getting his voicemail. I was worried, I didn't want him getting into something he shouldn't have.

I got a phone call and I answered, thinking the worst.

"Hi Ms. Day, I'm calling because we've been trying to contact Josh's father, and we've gotten no answer. You're the next person on our list to call. No one came to pick up Josh today."

"Oh! Okay, I'm on my way." I knew what that meant. I grabbed my keys and dialed my dad's number.

"Hey honey."

"Dad, I think Riley and his dad have Owen. You have to get there before they hurt him. I don't want Riley doing something he regrets."

"Shit, hopefully this doesn't ruin our whole operation. We been watching Damon for a year now, we'll get there as soon as we can. Dale! Get a task force we-" He hung up the phone and tears welled in my eyes. I ran to the car and went to pick up Josh.

I drove to the school, my heart racing. I was worried, I wished I knew what was going on. I texted my dad, but he told me there wasn't much he could tell me.

As I drove up, there was no one at the school. But I saw that there was Josh and a woman standing outside. I pulled up, stopping by them.

"I'm so sorry, Josh's dad didn't tell me he wanted me to get him today! It won't happen again." I told her as she opened the door for him.

"It's okay, I know things like that happen sometimes. I'm just glad he has you." I sighed.

"Yeah me too. Thank you so much for calling." He was buckled up and we started to drive.

"Hey Aunty, where was Dad?" I bit my lip.

"He had some things to take care of honey."

"Okay, cool so I get to stay with you longer." I nodded. "Is Riley gonna be there?"

"Uhh... no, Riley isn't going to be home tonight either."

"Why not?"

"He has some things to take care of too."

"Oh." He replied disappointedly. I felt bad for him, I had no idea what had happened with either of them; his dad or Riley.

I tried calling Riley again, to no avail. Finally, I had a call from Dad.

"Hey, what's going on?" He sighed.

"I can only tell you what I've told the media. There's one person who's been arrested, one in critical condition, and one person dead." My heart dropped, I hoped it wasn't Riley who was dead.

"Who's dead, Dad?"

"I can't tell you that! You're not even supposed to know he was there, Aria. The only person I'm supposed to tell is family. I can only tell you that your brother is in critical condition. Take Josh, you two go see him." He hung the phone up and I felt tears coming to my eyes. I hoped Riley wasn't the one who put him there or died.

"Someone died?" Josh asked me.

"What? Oh, no honey. I asked your Papa who's Fred? He had a friend, named Fred with him." He nodded, seemingly convinced. I took a deep breath, though. "Your father's in the hospital though." He frowned.


"I don't know yet, we're going to have to go see him."

"Is he okay?"

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