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Tuesday 26th January 2016

Sitting at our dinner table in the canteen with Tyler's sitting across from me. He's talking about what we'll be getting up to tomorrow. The day after me and mum talked, a letter came in the post telling us school will be back on the following Monday, which was yesterday.

Mum made me stay off yesterday, so I told her last night that I was going to go in tomorrow, she couldn't possibly argue with me on that, because what parent would.

Mum said something along the lines of, 'How the hell did I get so lucky to have you.' I just shrugged, saying, 'I like school, it's important, I don't want to fall behind.'

''... maybe we can put lives on the line, and hunt for vampires in the sea?'' Tyler informs me while taking a bite of his dinner.

Vampires? ''What are you on about?'' I asked as scanning the room that's filled with loud chatter. Every student is inside here, or outside.

''You've not listened to anything I'm saying, are you?'' He chuckles, ''Girl, you need to sort out this daydreaming thing of yours, you do it all the time.'' Do I?

''I'm sorry Tyler, I'm listening now.'' I reassure him. ''Nope, you'll just have to wait and see when you come to mine tomorrow!'' He winked, going back to writing out his homework.

Letting out a soft chuckle myself, I respond, ''Whatever you say, you goofball.''

After dinner, we both headed down to art, the overcrowded hallway, passing colourful artwork from past students. Once we sat down on the long metal tables, the bell rang and Mr. Adams smiled in hello and we all echo him. He had short greying hair, hazel eyes and he's smaller than me, he's about 5'3.

He's a really nice man and I respected him. I smiled thinking him and Ava would be perfect together.

''Good afternoon class, I hope you had a nice lunch.'' He turns to the whiteboard and wrote, 'EXPRESSION' in big capital letters.

''This year we're going to do a project on Expression. Expression in artform told through a story of your moods and emotions then putting them to paper. I want you to dig deep within yourselves past the easy stuff and I want to find the emotion and feelings that make you... you. Then I want you to create it by drawing, painting, making it however you want. If it's excitement, pain, curiously even if you're angry. It's your job to figure it out for yourselves. Don't care if you friends don't like it, or someone doesn't understand it. As long as you're happy with it.''

Everyone was so absorbed in what Mr. Adams was saying, but all I'm thinking is what the hell am I going to pick. ''You'll have two weeks to figure it out, please don't rush, then you have the rest of the year to finish it. Do you all understand what you have to do or do you have any questions?'' He pointed to Amber who had her hand up.


''What if we can't pick one?'' Amber quizzed him in her whiny tone. ''Well, what feeling are you feeling right now?''

''Err... I don't know a bit panicked, I guess sir.''

''Well, there you go.'' He beams, ''but I stand by what I said. I want you guys to dig deep. You may not realize it, but everyone in here right now is expressing a bit of panic. And that is an expression so go through your day. What do you feel and pick one, but one I can ask you about and you have a full explanation for it. Don't worry, I won't be making you tell everyone, you will be called in individual sessions, in two weeks time.''

''Don't be just picking one at random, I'll know,'' He told us sharply. Tyler and I made eye contact as the teacher says we can speak quietly amongst ourselves.

''What are you doing it on?'' I questioned Tyler.

''I'm going to do it on Joy or maybe amusement, I'll ask Mr. Marks after the two weeks.'' He answers grinning, his teeth flash. That's absolutely perfect for him, that's so unfair. I pressed my lips together and he nudged my shoulder, ''you'll figure it out Dawson.''

I picked up my yellow pencil and started to pat in time with music, I turn to face the window, a plane slowly flies over. ''I hope so,'' I whisper more to myself than him, not wanting to fail.

Once I got home, I was sitting down on the sofa with Leo lay in my arms, softly tickling his fingers and stomach, he let out a humming sound, a smile spreading across his face. Mum asked me if I had a good day, I told her about my art project. ''That sounds interesting Dawson.'' She declared.

''Yeah, I guess it's cool, but I don't have a clue what feeling or mood I'm going to choose.'' I explain to her, while making funny faces to Leo. ''You'll figure it out, you always do,'' she kissed my head, then opened her arms for Leo.

''Yes, Tyler said the same thing.'' I reluctantly pass him to her, then stood up. ''Your appointment is in forty minutes, so go get out of your uniform,'' said mum before going into kitchen with Leo.

Moving into the direction of my bedroom, I came back out after fifteen minutes. I don't wear make-up, I honestly think it's a waste because whenever I tried to put on, I look like Chucky's bride but I absolutely applaud anyone who does wears it.

Going into the kitchen where mum's currently putting Leo's into his little jacket. He started to cry. Awe poor baby, I rush over. ''Is he ok?'' I asked, while mum rocks him gently in her arms shushing him.

''Yes, he's hungry, but his milks still too hot at the moment,'' mum has to raise her voice over Leo's cries, ''Do you mind if you push his pram to the car for me dawn?'' she asked as she turned to pick up his bib and bottle.


Before we decided to go into the office, mum turns in her sit after parking and examine my face. I was currently feeding Leo his bottle in the back seat, he's really greedy.

''Dawson, are you ready? If not, we can cancel, it's up to you,'' Mum fretted, looking more anxious than me. I'm totally calm, I knew once I'd get into the building that will change, but I think mum has a handle on it for the both of us.

''I'll be fine mum.''

Mum blows out a loud breath. ''Very well Dawn but you tell me the minute you feel like you're not up to it and we'll get out of there. Deal?''

This is one of the reasons I love this woman. She's incredible, strong and beautiful, but worries far too much about everything to do with Leo and I. She would try and win climbing the longest wall to be able to get us, and I adore her for it. ''Deal,'' I gave her a big grin.

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