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Tuesday 2nd February 2016

My nose was hit with an explosion of different spices, making my belly let out a loud rumble. Mandy chuckles as I blush. We went into the dining area where all the men sat around the light table. They're talking about football but the weird thing is the food was all set out in the middle, but none of them have anything on their plates.

Mandy touched my back gently to my chair in between Tyler and Colton. I messed up Tyler's hair before sitting down and he looked up pouting, sorting out his hair. I look up to see everyone grinning at the two of us, I'd forgotten I wasn't in a familiar place.

Luke's seat across from Tyler and Declan from Colton. Mandy's seat next to Colton at the bottom of the table while Jake was at the head.

''Thanks for waiting for us dears, eat up,'' Mandy kindly offered. They all dug in straightaway putting large amount on their plates and I followed their lead.

Once everyone got a good amount, we were all sat in a comfortable silence only hearing the clanking of silverware. ''So Dawson, how do you like Richburg so far?'' I gazed up to Jake, who had taken off his cap now, he looked just like an older Luke. I swallowed my food before answering. ''I really love it, there's peace and quiet and I like how everyone treats each other fairly with respect. It's much different from where I used to live.''

''That's great to hear, I'm glad... So do you do anything interesting outside school?'' He asks, while everyone was listening, as they ate.

"Well I work at Tanner's Café, every day except from Tuesday's so I don't have a lot of time to myself, but when I do I love to garden. I love going to the beach and I to love run.'' I like being asked what I like to do, because I who I can answer without problem.

He nods and grins impressed by my answer, ''That's dedication, to work at a young age and Ava, I haven't seen her for a long time.'' I nod, ''so did you move here with your parents.'' he asked kindly, I felt Tyler stop his fork halfway to his mouth waiting for my response, everyone else waiting for it too.

I moved my hair out of my face and quietly replied, ''I just moved here with my mum and she was pregnant with my baby brother Leo at the time, but was born the same week we moved... my dad isn't in the picture anymore.''

I felt everyone in the room was staring at me, and Jake looked apologetic knowing he said something wrong, making the atmosphere a little awkward, then a voice came from right at the side of me. ''Tyler told us that you have an art assignment... you got an expression picked out yet?''

I turn my eyes to look at Colton's intense ones... I was a little shocked, so I was thankful for to Colton for switching the conversation, ''No, not yet I still have a week to figure it out.'' I answer to him, I felt a shiver as we kept staring at each other.

''Oh yeah, so our art teacher Mr. Marks has asked...'' Tyler answered Colton's question giving me a break from it all. Everyone else got back to eating and chatting.

I take an another bite of my food, not really tasting it when I felt a rough hand gaze mine, my hand was fastened tightly to the side of the chair I'm on, I hadn't realized. I look to Colton but he was talking to Mandy about something to do with wood, I let out a little gasp, and let my hand soften.

After dinner I gave my thanks to Mr and Mrs Reed, then we all went back upstairs. We all sat where we were sat before dinner happily full. ''Hey, should we get onto the other game.'' Declan asked and we all agreed.

''Right so basically you have to say three facts about you, but one has to be lie, or changed a little, the twist is Dawson and Luke can't answer when it's Tyler's go, and that goes for the other way around. We brothers can't answer about each other's because we basically know everything about one another.'' I get it and it makes sense and sounds interesting. I agree with everyone. ''Right Tyler goes first then me, Dawson, Luke and the Colton.''

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