Today (8)

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AN: I think I won't be able to update tomorrow so I will give you more updates this night. Hope you guys enjoy, vote, or comment!


The next day they went to school together. Chanwoo was really happy because she could finally say that she's his girlfriend. He held her hands tightly as they walk inside the university until they reached Lisa's classroom.

"Go ahead. Pabo! You'll be late for your class."

Chanwoo smiled at her, "Arasso."

He kissed her and quickly ran off.

"Yaaaa! Pabo Chocoball!" Lisa shouted while he was laughing as he ran. Lisa could feel her cheeks turning hot from the feeling his lips. She went inside her class feeling extremely giddy from what just happened.

"Aigoooo" She said as she touches her head because she bumped on someone's back. He turned around and it was June.

"I'm sorry."

"You really should look where you're going." He said coldly.

She was really trying to remove the thought of him. She hated the fact that she's still being hurt with just thinking of him. She paid attention to class and listened to the professor's every word to shake off the feeling of frustration. After the class, he just walked out of the room without looking or talking to Lisa.

Lisa's POV: Why do you even want him to look? LISA PABO PABO PABO. You have to listen to me. You love Chanwoo. Don't you dare hurt him! PABOOOOOO!

During lunch break, she was eating alone at the cafeteria and a bunch of freshman students approached her.

"Go ahead, dude!"

"Just tell her!"

The cutest one of the group of students came up to Lisa.

"Noona, could you go out with me? I really admire you and I want to know you better."

Lisa was blushing because she was caught off guard. Never in her life did she imagine that someone would ask her out like that. The kid was so straight forward she thought, but she didn't know how to turn him down.

"Tell her what you told us, dude!" One of his friends provoked him.

"Okay okay! I'll tell her!" The student hushed his friends and continued, "I really think you have one rocking body"

Everyone in the cafeteria was looking at Lisa and the freshman student. Some were laughing, but most are cheering for the freshman student. Lisa felt like she would faint from embarrassment. She didn't know what to do. From a distance, June saw and heard what the guy said. June clenched his fist and really wanted to take her away.

"Sorry kid. This girl is mine."

It was Chanwoo.

His words made Lisa's heart skip a beat and she could feel even more uneasy because it caught a lot of attention. He put his arm around her and took her away. The freshman students were laughing at the guy that confessed.

"Gosh! You're having fans already. Ottoke" Chanwoo said while they were walking.

"FANS???" Lisa panicked and Chanwoo just laughed at her.

"By the way, I couldn't drive you home later because I need to do something important."

"What is it?"

"Something important. Send me a message when you're on your way home, okay?" Chanwoo said and just waved good bye because he had to go to his next class.

The day passed quickly and Lisa really wanted to see Jisoo to tell her about everything that has happened with Chanwoo, but she didn't see her in the university. She sent her a message that she has news and waited for her to reply, but nothing came.

After her last classed, Lisa took a short bus ride to her house. When she got to her house, she was so surprised that the door was unlocked. She immediately went to her room to see if her savings and stuff are gone.

"You startled me! Pabo!" Chanwoo said.

She saw her room was empty. There were newspaper lined on her floor and Chanwoo was almost done painting half of her room. The color of the paint was Lavender which was her favourite.

"I told you to send me a message when you're on your way!" Chanwoo chuckled.

Chanwoo handed her another paint brush and she gladly reached for it. After they finished painting, Lisa looked at her room and was amazed with how nice and clean it looks. It felt like a new start for her.

Chanwoo hugged her from the back and asked, "Another thing off of your bucketlist?"

"Yup. Thanks to you!"

"What other things do you have on the list?"

Lisa thought about something that Chanwoo couldn't do for her because she wants to keep doing them by her own, "Hmmm... well, to be elected as a part of the student council."

Chanwoo's eyes grew big. He was so surprised and said, "Wow! I never thought you're interested in that. You should run! You'd be great as part of the council! I heard that the application started already."

Lisa just smiled because she still doubted herself. Chanwoo kissed her neck while he was still hugging her. He really liked her scent. After few more hours of talking, Chanwoo went home.

Lisa was preparing to sleep on the sofa because the smell of the paint in her room is still strong. She received a text message from Chanwoo.

Text from: Chocoball Chanu___________

Just got home! It's silly because I was just with you, but I miss you already. ╥ ╥


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