Tomorrow (1)

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It was weekend and Lisa just stayed in her room. She was looking at the walls that she painted together with Chanwoo and wished that he would feel any better day by day. Lisa heard a knock on the door, but she was not really in the mood to entertain visitors. When she tried to peek from the windows who it was, she saw her grandmother. Lisa immediately got the door.

"Nana, you didn't tell me you're going to visit! I didn't prepare food." Lisa was panicking.

"I know how you kids live these days. You just order foods that are instant." Her grandma scolded her and gave her something. "Here! I prepared 5 packed lunches for you. You leave it in the fridge and reheat on your school. Okay?"

Lisa hugged her nana and said, "You're the best, nana! I miss your visits."

It was the first time that she actually forgot about the sadness and just felt warm. Her grandma talked about how the business in the province is doing and that she could visit more often. Lisa told her not to force it because she knows her grandma is weak and old for travelling a lot. After all the laughs and talks, her grandma left.

Lisa was again alone at the house. She tried to be busy by reading books and studying so that she wouldn't feel so lonely. After few minutes, there's someone knocking on the door.

"Nana? Did you leave something?"

When she opened the door, it was Jisoo. She was holding a big tub of Cookies n' Cream ice cream which was Lisa's favourite. Lisa hugged Jisoo and welcomed her inside. They both went to Lisa's room and eat the ice cream together. Jisoo was not really talking much. She would just answer Lisa's questions and didn't bother opening up topics to talk about.

"Okay, Kim Jisoo. Spill it out. Who told you?" Lisa asked knowing that Jisoo already knew about the break up.

"Well... Bobby oppa told my wasabi so..."

"I knew it! It's the Gossip King!" Lisa said while snapping her fingers.

"So how are you keeping up?" The worried Jisoo asked.

"I promised someone I wouldn't cry anymore, but..."

Lisa hugged Jisoo. She was trying so hard not to think about it, but Jisoo always make her feel that it's okay not to hold back her tears.

"You know I'm having a feeling that I really don't do well in comforting you." Jisoo said as she wiped her own tears because she started to cry too.

Lisa chuckled from seeing Jisoo and said, "Pabo! You're doing great! If you didn't visit me here, I'll probably be crazy right now from keeping all my thoughts to myself."

They both laughed while drying their tears.

"You know what hurts the most?" Lisa asked Jisoo. Jisoo just looked at her and she continued speaking, "It felt like I broke up with my best friend and there's no way that I could get him back."

Jisoo hugged Lisa and they both started to cry again.

"Yaaaaa! I really suck at comforting you! Mian~" Jisoo said while releasing Lisa from the hug.

"Aniiii! I know that I would feel better after crying and eating this tub of ice cream so thank you." She said while taking a spoon full.

After they're done with the ice cream, Lisa invited Jisoo to dance. Jisoo is not that good in dancing, but she really looked cute. They played loud music from Lisa's phone and forget about everything for a while. It was kind of Lisa's escape. Jisoo then checked Lisa's closet. There wasn't much, but they put on different clothes and had a mini runway show together. They took a lot of pictures of each other and just laughed while looking how the pictures turned out. They both lied on the floor while they were breathing heavily from everything they did.

"You're never alone, Lisa." Jisoo said while reaching for Lisa's hand.

"Pabo! Are you trying to make me cry again?"

Jisoo chuckled with her little voice and said, "Okay okay! I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'm always here for you."

"I know that."

"So what do you plan to do now, Lisa?" Jisoo asked.

Lisa was quiet for a while. Jisoo was just looking at her.

"I asked that same question to Chanwoo after he broke up with me." Lisa said.

"What did he say?"

"He told me to stop hiding what I really feel."

Jisoo sat up and asked, "June?"

Lisa grabbed a pillow and put it against her face and screamed.

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