Tomorrow (18)

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Lisa did not give June a chance to talk to her again. Not in the school trip, not in school, and not even when he waits for her shift to end at the Café shop. One night, Lisa was cleaning up at the Café shop with Jungkook because they both had night shift. Lisa kept looking at the door.

"Looks like he finally gave up." Jungkook chuckled.

Lisa laughed with him. It is what she wanted and now that he did, she felt like she could start over, forget everything, and just live like how it was before: simple. After they locked the Café shop, Jungkook offered her a ride home in his motorcycle which she gladly accepted because she was really exhausted to even walk to the bus stop.

She got home safe, thanked Jungkook, and waved at him good bye. She went inside her house and it was really silent. She chose not to eat dinner because she's not feeling hungry. Even if it was a normal day at work, she felt heavy so she lied on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She didn't know how long she looked at the ceiling thinking about everything.

Lisa checked her phone and saw that it was past 12 midnight. She couldn't help it, but she felt the need to call someone. She thought twice and she thought about it hard, but ended up calling him anyway. He wasn't picking up for a few seconds and it made her heart race. Lisa thought that he might be asleep, but then she heard his voice.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"Did you forget about my birthday or do you hate me that much?"

"Pabo. I didn't forget. I was about to call you too."

Lisa couldn't hold back her tears. She was so relieved to hear those words from Chanwoo. She tried not to make sounds while crying, but it was no use because she was really sobbing.

"Yaaa! Why are you crying?"

"I – I miss my best friend so much. Can we meet please?"

Chanwoo convinced Bobby a lot to let him drive at that time of the day, but when he told that he has to meet Lisa, Bobby could not protest. He drove quickly at Lisa's house and when she got inside his car, he gave her a present. She told him that it was unnecessary, but deep inside she was really happy that he even bothered. She opened it and to her surprise it was a necklace.

"I was supposed to give you that before, but yeah. Shit happens." Chanwoo laughed as he helps her wear it.

"It looks good on you." He paused and thought about all the good times they had together. If they were still together then he wouldn't let this scene pass without kissing her, but it was just not the case anymore. When he got back to his senses, he greeted, "Happy birthday, Lisa."

Lisa hugged Chanwoo which surprised him. She released him immediately when she thought that it would be awkward for Chanwoo.

He just laughed at her reaction and asked, "So it's 1 in the morning. Where do you wanna go?"

Lisa smiled and said, "I really don't know. Just drive anywhere."

Chanwoo drove to the nearest park that he could think of. It was really dark and cold. Lisa thought that they would be awkward to each other, but they weren't. Chanwoo was sharing about what he's been up to and so did she. Lisa felt really happy that they could talk like that to each other again and laugh at each other like how they were before.

After some time, Lisa got quiet. She was rubbing her hands against each other because it was getting really cold. Chanwoo took off his scarf and wrapped it around her hands. It looked silly, but it's the only thing he could think of.

"Thank you." She said.

He looked at her and asked, "Tell me, Lisa. What do you like about June?"

Lisa was surprised with the question, but she answered, "He's annoying, he looks really awkward with other people, and he makes me wanna yell every time he has that irritating smirk in his face."

Chanwoo laughed because of how Lisa looked when she said those words. She was frowning and she punching her bag with every line, but suddenly, her expression changed into a sad one.

"...but at the same time, he makes me feel things I've never felt, he gives me chills just by calling my name, and when he look at me, it feels like my heart wants to escape my chest. He just drives me crazy."

"Wow! That's so cheesy. It made me wish I didn't ask." Chanwoo chuckled.

Lisa didn't laugh with him. Thinking about June makes her really sad. She wanted to move on from him, but if she's being honest to herself, she was just hurting. Chanwoo let out a sigh and slightly pushed her shoulder.

"You know that he didn't kiss Hanna intentionally right?" Chanwoo asked.

Lisa nodded without saying a word.

"Then what's the problem?" Chanwoo tried his best to keep his chill.

"I don't know. I'm afraid that one day he'll leave me."

"No one knows that. I told you before that I won't hurt you, but I just made you cry a while ago." Chanwoo said.

"I just don't want to be alone. I'm already lonely. I don't wanna feel any lonelier."

"Pabo! You're afraid that he'll leave and that you'll be lonely, but it's you who's pushing him away. Can't you see how stupid that is? C'mon Lisa. I did not give you up just to give up on him."

"but but but he doesn't even say 'I love you' to me! He did once, but that's it." Lisa said with a pout.

"Are you even listening to yourself, Lisa? Don't wait for me to shake you up."

Lisa was so irritated with herself because she knew that she wasn't making any sense and that Chanwoo was right. She covered her eyes with her hands and buried her face in Chanwoo's scarf. She screamed because of all the things that were running in her mind.

Chanwoo removed her hands from her face and looked directly to her eyes so that he knows that she'll listen well.

"Lisa, there are a lot of ways people say 'I love you'. It could be grand, but it could also be in the most subtle way like making sure you got home safely, asking if you have eaten lunch, or just making sure that you are happy."

✿ ✿ ✿

Chanwoo stayed with Lisa until after they had lunch. When Lisa got home and inside her bedroom, she has fallen asleep instantly because her eyes felt heavy and she hasn't slept since yesterday. When she woke up, she checked her phone to see what time it was and she almost screamed when she saw that it was already 11pm. It was the first time that she almost slept throughout her birthday. She saw that her inbox were full of greetings from relatives, friends, student council members, and workmates at the Café shop. Jisoo called her three times and June called her seven times.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She was so surprised so it slipped of off her hands. She picked it up immediately and saw that it was June who was calling. Her heart felt like there was an earthquake of great magnitude and intensity. Her hands felt cold because she was really nervous.

"Finally! You picked up!" June was so relieved. Lisa still could not think of a word to tell him.

"Lisa, please come outside your house."

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