Tomorrow (9)

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"Mwo?" Lisa was shocked.

Jisoo was behind June so her reaction was just like Lisa's. June couldn't believe what was happening and he couldn't react too. It was just like seeing a ghost. He didn't know if he should push her away or what. Lisa felt that her body was burning. She took June's hand immediately and pulled him away.

"Twinny! You know this Fart Lord?" Lisa asked.

June was surprised with how Lisa called Hanna 'Twinny' and noticed both girls had the same shirt and hairstyle. He held her hand tighter.

"W – we"

June cut out Hanna and said, "Hanna and I went to the same school before."

Jisoo and Lisa were amazed because it was such a small world. They were both excited to ask Hanna about how June was back in high school. They really wanted to hear embarrassing things so they could tease him. June was just expressionless as always.

"Twinny, come on! Spill us some details. Does he fart really loud during high school too?" Lisa asked with an evil grin on her face.

"Does he always try to act cool?" Jisoo added.

"ಠ_ಠ Pabo!" June tried to shut the two from asking Hanna, but they didn't stop and laughed at him.

"What are you two to each other?" Hanna asked June.

June didn't hear it clearly and asked, "Mwo?"

Lisa was so surprised with the question and how it was addressed to June and not to her. She was eager to hear him say that she's his girlfriend, but she wasn't able to keep her chill and just blurted, "I'm this Fart Lord's girlfriend!"

Hanna didn't like what she heard and she definitely didn't like how Lisa said it, but she tried to hide it with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, June looked at Lisa with a smirk because he hasn't heard her say that to anyone. He flicked his fingers to her forehead like always and chuckled.

Lisa's POV: OMG! WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY? This pabo might think I'm jealous or insecure or possessive or something. Gosh I hate his smirk!

Out of nowhere, Jisoo shrieked which got everyone's attention. She pointed her finger at Hanna and said, "Now I understand why you look so familiar! You're Jang Hanna!"

"Why? Is she a celebrity or something?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"Lisa pabo! Don't you listen to the radio or watch TV? She's a singer handled by YGE! She's pretty big in the industry! Don't tell me you don't know YGE too?" Jisoo said with a lot of energy.

"Hey! I know YGE!" Lisa defended herself which made June laugh.

"Yaaaa! I like you already! I think we are going to be great friends!" Hanna hugged Jisoo with excitement and asked "What's your name again?"

"≧ω≦ I'm Jisoo. It's a pleasure to meet you! My brother is your biggest fan! He secretly keeps your picture in his bedroom!" Jisoo was definitely overwhelmed and in starstruck awe.

"It's nice to meet you too! I must meet your brother soon!" Hanna chuckled. Something struck her and said, "I haven't formally introduced myself! I'm Jang Hanna! I'm 20 years old."

Hanna made a cute gesture at the end of her introduction which made Jisoo scream and cheer louder because it was how idols do it.

"≧ω≦ More! more! Tell us about yourself more!" Jisoo was deep in the fangirl zone.

"Well, besides being a singer..." Hanna looked at Lisa with a smirk and out of nowhere she said, "I'm her Fart Lord's first love."

Jisoo and Lisa were definitely taken aback with what Hanna just said. June was pissed because it was so unnecessary. He wanted to take Lisa away and explain everything to her, but Lisa let go of his hand. Hanna noticed how Lisa reacted so she smirked again.

"Oh! That's in the past now, Twinny. You got nothing to worry about, right June?" She smiled at June brightly that her eyes were almost closed.

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