Tomorrow (7)

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The next day, they had loads of water activities in the morning. Mrs. Koo and Lisa prepared lunch together while June and their dad played with Jillian and Kali. Lisa was so happy because it was long ago when she felt this. Hearing Jillian and Kali's little voices made her reminisce about her siblings before the accident. It was like time was passing by too quickly because they were all having a good time.

At night, they all finished eating dinner from the buffet at the hotel. Lisa could feel like her tummy would pop anytime and her jeans felt tighter because of all the food she ate. They all went back to the suite. The kids could not sleep even after all the activities they did the whole day. June's dad had an idea so he gathered everyone up on the living room part of the suite. He brought his guitar out.

"I knew this would happen!" June said and let out a sigh. Jillian and Kali laughed with their mom.

"What? What will happen?" Lisa asked.

"My dad is a professional guitarist. I knew that he would show off his skills because you never heard him play." June explained which made Lisa chuckle.

"C'mon! It will be just like the old time." His father said.

Years ago, when his dad wasn't busy with making songs for singers, he loves taking June to recording studios and make him sing all the time. It was his dad's favorite bonding time with him, but they never really had the chance to do it again.

Mrs. Koo got some bottles of beer from the fridge for them to enjoy.

"Cheers!" Mr. Koo said as he raised his bottle of beer. Mrs. Koo, June and Lisa did the same and they all drank. Jillian and Kali did the same with their bottles of milk.

After finishing half of his bottle, June's dad started playing the guitar. He was really good and it sounded really well. His mom sang the verse with Jillian and Kali. Kali was shy at first, but when June sang the chorus, she was singing on top of her voice as well. Lisa didn't know the song so she just clapped her hands with the beat. Lisa was really happy because she never done something like this with her family and it made her feel like she really belongs.

After singing many songs and drinking beers, Mrs. Koo was feeling tired already and she was drunk as well. Kali was already sleeping at June's arms and Jillian was yawning.

"Okay. Time to sleep." Mr. Koo said as he put his guitar on the hard case. June carried Kali to her bed, while Mrs. Koo held Jillian and went to their room as well. Lisa was left sitting on the sofa.

June got out of his parents' room and asked Lisa, "Are you sleepy?"

"Nope." Lisa said.

"You wanna walk by the beach?"

Lisa agreed and they both got out of the suite and walked to the beach. It was a very peaceful night. They could see a lot of stars, hear the beach waves, and feel the sand on their feet. Lisa glanced at June. She thought about why he was depressed before going to college. She wanted to know everything about him.

June noticed her looking so he asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing. I was just curious about what your mom said earlier."

"What did she tell you? Something embarrassing?" He asked. He was thinking of all the possible things that his mother could've told Lisa.

"Nah. She told me that you started playing your guitar again. Why did you even stop?" She asked.

"It's a long story. Let's not talk about it now. I really just want to enjoy this time with you."

This got Lisa more curious because it must have been something really awful.

Out of nowhere, June reached for her hand. He wasn't looking because he was a bit nervous about doing so. It made Lisa's heart skip a beat because it was their first time holding hands as a couple. Their fingers were intertwined and Lisa was trying hard not to move her fingers.

After a while, they reached the end of the shore. If they continue walking, it would lead them to the mountain.

"Should we go back? What do you want to do?" June asked.

"Actually, I made this list of things I wanted to do before I wanted to die and we could do one of them now."

"What is it?" He was really curious.

Lisa let go of his hands. Lisa removed her top and her shorts. June could see her figure really well and it made his heart pump faster.

"You wanna do it here?? On the beach??" June was so surprised because he never thought that she would write something like that on her top things to do before she dies.

"Pabo! I wanna go skinny dipping."

June was surprised when she removed her underwear. He hugged her to cover her body. He then looked around if anyone is near. The gesture made Lisa felt the same way she did when she had flu. It was the same arms that carried her and took care of her.

"It's okay. There's no one else here. Let's go to the beach!" Lisa released herself from the hug and took his hand.

"It would be cold like the pool area!" June hesitated.

"Pabo! The pool area was cold because the heater was off. Besides, it's the sea. At night, sand goes cold and the water is warm. Don't you know that, Fart Lord?" She said as she ran to the beach.

June just went with it and removed his clothes. He followed her to the beach. They didn't go far because it was dark already. They went far enough for the water to reach Lisa' shoulder though. Lisa was looking at the sky embellished with bright stars. She was feeling the cool breeze on her face.

"You are so beautiful." He said while moving some strands of hair away from her face.

Lisa loved feeling his hands and she could feel how much he meant every word. She wasn't really good at accepting compliments, but it felt right when it was from him.


Hearing her name from him will always be something that makes her feel warm.

"I'm scared of wanting you before, but here I am anyway." He said with his deep voice. June placed his hands on her neck and leaned his forehead against hers and whispered

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Lisa replied.

"You make it hard for me to breathe with every move you make."

Lisa was just frozen. She felt like she could be taken away by the waves of the sea without feeling it. It all feels like a dream. Lisa touched her chest right above her heart because it felt like her heart was drowning. She couldn't talk for a moment because she was just thinking again and again how he said it with his husky voice. 

Today Tomorrow Always (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now