Today (12)

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It was another week at the school. Lisa just got from an early meeting with the council and discussed about the upcoming event that they are hosting: a singing competition. 3 representatives from each year level would be chosen to compete. Since Lisa wanted the 2nd year students to win, she immediately thought of convincing June to join, but she knew that it would be hard to have him agree on it.

During class, Lisa sat next to June. June glanced at her because it was unusual for her to sit next to him, but he didn't mind afterwards. Their professor arrived and all students greeted and bowed. The professor announced about the singing competition because all teachers were required to encourage students to join.

"It would be nice if there will be a representative in this class. I will be willing to give anyone who will volunteer additional credits. Any takers?" The professor said with high hopes.

Everyone was just trying to not have eye connection with the professor because a lot of students thought that it would really be burdensome and even embarrassing for some.

"You should join, Fart Lord." Lisa whispered at June.

"I would rather die. I don't sing anymore."

"But you could win it! Do it for our batchmates!" Lisa was really trying to convince him.

"There's no way you could make me volunteer. Give it up, Stinky." He said while flicking her forehead.

Lisa put up her phone and showed him the picture that Jisoo had when he was so afraid at the roller coaster. She was threatening him. She knew that he wouldn't agree easily so she got the picture from Jisoo before going to class.

"ಠ_ಠ You wouldn't dare – "

"Sir!" Lisa called the attention of their professor. Everyone looked at her and June was giving her the death-glare.

"Yes, Ms. Manoban?"

"I would like to recommend someone for the singing competition."

June was just looking down and trying to be invisible.

"Who? I bet this student would be good if the Student Council's vice president recommends so."

Lisa looked at June and showed the picture again. Because he had no other choice, June raised his hand.

"I would do it."

The whole class cheered for June and wishing him good luck. No one ever thought that June would do it because he's very quiet and serious in class. The professor applauded at him and had him sing in front to give the class some kind of teaser. Lisa smirked at June as he walked to the front.

"Pabo." He whispered.

It was the end of the class and June was ready to kill her. Lisa ran for her life while laughing. June chased her through the hallway and was desperate to take her phone to delete the picture. All of a sudden, she stopped running. June caught up to her and got her phone to delete the picture.

"Ah hah! Deleted! You pabo!" He then realized that Lisa was not fighting over her phone. Lisa was just looking at the man in front of him. It was Chanwoo.

"Could we talk?" Chanwoo asked Lisa. He then looked at June. June's expression changed as he returned Lisa's phone.

"I better get going." June said and left them.

✿ ✿ ✿

Chanwoo and Lisa got up to the school's rooftop to talk privately. Lisa was really nervous because she couldn't stop thinking that he would break up with her. She waited for him to say anything, but to her surprise, he hugged her tightly.

"I'm really sorry." Chanwoo said.

"No! Everything's my fault. I'm really sorry." Lisa started to weep.

Chanwoo wiped her tears and laughed, "Why are you crying? Pabo!"

"I – I thought you were breaking up with me." Lisa said while crying.

"That never crossed my mind. I want us to try harder so I'm really sorry for not talking to you these past few days. I really feel stupid for it." He said.

"I'm really sorry for losing my chill on the phone call. I'm sorry for forgetting about you mom."

"It's my fault that you got mad because I sound really sarcastic that time. I promise to be more honest and tell you everything at once if there's something that I didn't like."

Lisa promised him too. She felt really relieved so she hugged him really tight. After that, it was back to normal. Chanwoo and Lisa had so many things to talk about because of their first couple fight. The fight made them understand each other more.

"We suck at relationships don't we?" Lisa said and chuckled.

Chanwoo agreed and laughed with her. When they got quiet, he took her hands and kissed them.

"I really love you, Lisa."

Today Tomorrow Always (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ