Tomorrow (13)

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It's been days since Hanna showed Lisa the video, but still it plays to her mind over and over again. They way he smiled and looked so happy. She kept on thinking how much June is not like that around her, but all she could ever do was be pissed with Hanna. Because of the incident at Hanna's house, she knew that she wasn't just overreacting. She was feeling guilty of hating her before, but now, she just wanted to explode every time she remembers her face. It frustrates Lisa more that she couldn't tell Jisoo because she knew Jisoo would not believe her.

Lisa went to school with a heavy heart. She was fixing her things in her locker when someone hugged her from the back. It was Jisoo.

"Lisaaaaa~ I miss you so much!" Jisoo said.

Lisa was so happy to see Jisoo, but the happiness disappeared when she saw Jisoo using the bag that Hanna gave her.

"Do you really have to use that every day?" She asked.

"Yaaaa! I love this bag! You must hate Hanna that much." Jisoo blurted.

Lisa was so surprised with what she said so Jisoo laughed at Lisa's reaction and said, "Is it because she's June's ex girlfriend?"

"No. That's not it!"

Jisoo pouted and had a frown. She really wanted to know why Lisa was so mad about Hanna when she was the first one who got close with Hanna.

"Do you really wanna know why I hate her?" Lisa asked.

Jisoo nodded. Lisa wasn't planning on telling her, but she gave it a shot. Lisa told Jisoo about the crazy smirks and the video. Jisoo was shocked with everything. She never noticed the smirks and she could not believe that Hanna would do such thing.

"No way! Hanna wouldn't do that! You must have misinterpreted what she said!" Jisoo defended Hanna.

"I knew it. This is why I didn't tell you at first." Lisa rolled her eyes and walked away.

Jisoo ran to Lisa and blocked her so she couldn't pass.

"Lisaaaa~ Let's not fight over this. I'm sorry." Jisoo said.

Lisa didn't respond so Jisoo tried talking to her again, "Please, Lisa. I miss you so much. Let's just forget about this and have fun together. I haven't been with you since I don't know when."

"You haven't been with me because you're always with her." Lisa said.

Jisoo hugged Lisa and said, "Yaaaa! You're so cute when you're jealous. Let's go to the mall! I know you miss me too."

After trying to convince Lisa for hundred times, Lisa finally agreed to go with Jisoo to the mall. She couldn't resist Jisoo's puppy eyes and she couldn't hide the fact that she misses her too. At the mall, they had so much fun. Both had their hair and nails done. They had dinner at Jisoo's favourite Japanese restaurant.

They talked a lot and tell each other what they have been up to recently. They had giggles from here and there. When it was already getting late, Jisoo and Lisa walked together to the bus stop, but Jisoo suddenly pulled Lisa on a different direction.

"What? Jisoo the bus stop is on the other side!" Lisa released herself from Jisoo's grip.

"I think we should take a cab instead, Lisa! It would be more comfortable." Jisoo said with a nervous tone.

"What are you talking about? We always take bus rides." Lisa turned around and headed for the bus stop.

"Lisa – "

Lisa suddenly understood why Jisoo doesn't want to go to the bus stop. June was there at the bus stop. The bus stop is still far, but she knew it was him. His hair, his height, his favorite black tee.

"Lisa, don't overthink this." Jisoo was trying to calm her down.

Jisoo said such words because June wasn't alone at the bus stop. Beside him was Hanna. They weren't talking, but all Lisa could see was the distance between June and Hanna. Hanna's shoulder were almost touching his.

Lisa took her phone and called June. Jisoo was panicking and trying to put some sense to Lisa, but Lisa continued. June noticed the call so he excused himself from Hanna. He walked a little away from the bus stop so Hanna wouldn't hear.


"F – Fart Lord, where are you right now?" Lisa asked with hesitation.

"Why? Do you miss me?" June smirked and teased Lisa.

"Pabo! Just answer the question."

"I just did an errand for my mom, but I'm on my way home. Why?"

Lisa didn't say a word. She couldn't believe what she's seeing, but what she could not believe more is what she was hearing. She tried not to cry so that Jisoo wouldn't worry. She tried to fake a smile and just did a thumbs up to Jisoo. Jisoo was so relieved.

"Hello?" June checked his phone if they are still on call because it was seconds before she said anything. He confirmed that the call was still ongoing so it got him worried if what was going on with Lisa. The bus already arrived and Hanna was calling for June because she didn't want to miss it.

He tried to talk to Lisa again and asked, "Hey. What's wrong, Stinky? Do you want me to come over?"

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