Tomorrow (2)

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Everything in school was tensing up. It's down to the finals months of the first semester so there were a lot of exams and projects. Lisa and Chanwoo haven't talk ever since the break up. When they see each other at classes, Chanwoo always try to smile which made Lisa a little bit more hopeful that someday and somehow she'll get her Chocoball back.

During Physical Education, they had their practice for their final evaluation which was 2 weeks from now. Lisa was asked by the swimming instructor to help those students who are not really good with their strokes. After being dismissed and taking a shower, Lisa decided to walk to the Café shop for her night shift. She walked while thinking about Chanwoo. She looked for her phone to check the time, but it wasn't in her bag so she ran back to the pool area to get her phone in the locker. She was so happy that the pool area isn't close yet.

"Gotcha!" She looked at her phone and saw that the battery is almost empty. She also checked the time on her phone, "5:15pm??? Now, I'm gonna be late for work."

When she got to the door, it was already locked and the lights started to turn off one by one.


She remembered that the pool area automatically closes at 5pm and that it won't open 'til morning. She tried to call for help, but no one could hear her. She tried calling Jisoo, but she wouldn't answer. Then, she thought of calling June because he was in the same class so he might not have gone far yet. His phone was ringing and he answered.

"Hello? Fart Lord? Where are you? I kinda got stuck in the pool area so – " Lisa was panicking.

"Turn around."

It was him. He got stuck inside too because he didn't check the time while was practising a couple more rounds since he's not a good swimmer. It looked like he just got out of the shower room. They both tried to check for different exit doors, but found none. They both sit on the floor next to the pool when they lost hope.

Lisa was nervous because he was very quiet. She tried to open short conversations, but it made everything more awkward for them.They didn't talk for more than 15 minutes. It was really getting dark so June opened his phone's flashlight. Lisa is not a scaredy-cat, but she felt the need to come closer to him so she did.

"What are you thinking?" June asked.

"To be honest, I'm thinking about him."

"Ahh yeah. I know about the break up. Jisoo told me."

"Yoyo oppa's virus?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. It's the virus."

They both got silent and she was afraid that he could hear how loud her heart is beating.


He laughed.

"Why? Is there anything funny?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing. It just sounds weird when you call me by my name, Lisa."

"Yikes! You're right. It's the first time I heard you say my name too."

They both laughed and after a while they got silent again.

"Fart Lord, I want to ask you something."

"Ask away. I think we have 'til tomorrow here." He said trying to be cool, but deep inside he was really nervous with what she's going to ask.

Lisa just looked at the pool and asked, "If we met at a different time and a different circumstance, if I didn't bump into you the first day and if I didn't puke at you, what difference would that make?"

June looked at her. He noticed that she was really serious with her question.

He replied, "You mean if you met me earlier than you met him?"

She nodded.

"The only difference it would make is that I probably won't call you Stinky." He said while laughing.

Lisa punched him, but he caught her fist. Their eyes met and Lisa was very conscious of how close they were to each other.

"I don't regret meeting you that way, Lisa." He said.

Lisa got goose bumps because she never thought hearing her name like that would make her feel so warm and happy. All she could ever think about is how much she wants him. All of a sudden, June stood up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Well, I don't want to answer another question from you so might as well practice for our swimming evaluation. You wanna go in?" June started to remove his clothes.

"What?? Into the pool? No way! It would be freezing!" Lisa didn't like the idea at all, but June carried her in his arms without giving her a chance to remove her clothes and he jumped in the pool.

"Yaaaaa! Pabo!" She said while she splashed water on his face. June was laughing, but his lips were shaking because it was so cold. She invited him to get out of the pool and they went to the locker area to get him some towel. She tried to warm him down by rubbing his arms. He couldn't help it so he hugged her. They both got silent and they could feel their hearts beating fast from feeling each other's body.

"June, I feel hot." She said.

"Are you sure? Because I kinda regret jumping in."

"No, you don't understand. I feel hot."

He then realized that it was a familiar line coming from Lisa. He was confused because she used that line before when it's 'go time'. He let go of the hug and looked at her with big eyes.

"What? Y – you wanna do it now??" June stuttered.


Lisa smacked his head and said, "Pabo! You told me before to say that line again when I'm over him."

He was stunned, but it made him stop from shaking.

"but the thing is, I don't think I had to get over him because I think it was always you. Chanwoo helped me realize it."

June didn't know what to say. He was just being engulfed by his heart's unusual beating. His phone was near the pool so it was really dark in the locker area.

She whispered, "Please tell me that you feel the same way about me."

June pulled her closer. She could feel his chest. Their foreheads are leaning on each other's.

"You have no idea how much I feel for you."

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