Today (10)

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During the weekend, Jisoo was up for a jog with her brother Jinhwan and Rose. They thought that Rose' Pomeranian puppy, Nala, could use some exercise because she was getting a little bit fat. When Jisoo was on her way to the convenience store to buy them water, she saw June.

"≧ω≦ Juneeeee~"

"You look like you're puking rainbow." He said with a disgusted face.

Jisoo pinched his cheeks and said, "You're really a thoughtful guy, aren't you"

"ಠ_ಠ What are you talking about?"

"It's okay. You don't have to be shy. I know that you made the account on social media for Lisa."

June was shocked and he removed her hands off of his face.

"Your proof?" He asked.

"I saw you at the back of the debate room with your phone up so I think it's you who posted the video."

June pulled up a smirk on his face and said, "Pics or it didn't happen"

✿ ✿ ✿

Lisa couldn't go to work at the Café shop today because she needed to meet with the newly elected student council and plan about the presentation for the general assembly of the month. Since they only have to present their final plans for the first semester, they were only given few days to prepare. Thus, the situation required them to meet even on weekend.

The meeting started with each one of them introducing themselves and it was really fun for Lisa because she thought that everyone was easy-going and approachable. They even congratulated her for being the youngest Vice President ever of the Student Council. After that, they were all participating in the discussion of plans. It was full of energy and spirit even when they were serious about it.

Lisa got a call from Chanwoo so she excused herself and took the call. She knew that Chanwoo wouldn't call her if it wasn't important.

"Hello? What is it, Chocoball?" Lisa asked.

"Where are you, Lisa?" Chanwoo said. Lisa didn't understand, but she could feel that he was serious and sad for some reason.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you!" Lisa said while smaking her own head. She continued, "I'm on the council's meeting for the General Assembly."

Chanwoo was silent. He didn't talk for seconds which really had Lisa worried.

"Wow" He said in a sarcastic tone which had Lisa a bit irritated because she thought that he's being childish.

"What's up with you?" She said.

"It has only been days since you were elected and you've changed a lot already."

What Chanwoo said annoyed her and couldn't help to defend herself so she said, "I don't remember setting a date with you today so I don't understand why you're being like this."

"You don't think you're forgetting something?"

Lisa was really angry because she wanted him to cut the crap and say what really the issue was. She took a deep breath. She didn't want to say things that she knew she would regret. She calmly said, "Is it about missing our 1st month together? I thought I apologized for that already. You supported me with this whole council thing so I thought you'd understand the consequences of it."

"Lisa, I understand that you'll be busy, but I didn't know that forgetting things would be a part of your duties and responsibilities as Vice President!"

Hearing that made her lose all her chill and she snapped, "Chanwoo, let's be mature and practical about this. We could celebrate 'monthsary' every freaking month! I don't even understand why people celebrate them in the first place."

"It's not about the monthsary!"

Lisa was stunned because it was the first time that she heard Chanwoo so angry. She was feeling mad earlier, but now she was just afraid of losing Chanwoo. It made her realize that she didn't do well in preventing herself from saying things that she'd regret. She could hear Chanwoo breathing and she didn't want to say a word because she was so afraid.

"It – it's my mom's death anniversary. Does it not matter to you anymore?"

Lisa's tears were building up because she really forgot about it. Lisa knew that it was unforgivable. She was the only one that Chanwoo could tell about his mom and she was always there for him every death anniversary, except for today.

Chanwoo spoke again, "Maybe you're right though. I guess I should be mature and practical because it's an 'anniversary' after all. We could just celebrate this again next year."

"Chanwoo, I'm really – "

He hung up on her.

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