Today (15)

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Lisa was still avoided by Chanwoo, but she was slowly getting back to her feet again. She kept busy with different things so she wouldn't be depressed. On a normal day she would usually study hard at the Library, work hard at the Café shop, play an active role in the campus as a part of the Student Council, and practice swimming at the pool area. Of course she would think about Chanwoo, call him, and try to talk to him, but she slowly felt that he doesn't want anything to do with her and it crushes her when she thinks about it.

She was at the Café shop after her classes. She put on her apron and tied her hair in a neat bun. A new staff was there and putting his apron too. Lisa was trying to be friendly so she approached him.

"I haven't seen you before. You're new here, right?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes. I'm Jungkook. I'm going to be the replacement staff. It's nice to meet you."

The smile from Lisa's face disappeared. She went to the manager and asked who Jungkook was replacing.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Chanwoo quit about 2 days ago. He said it was personal matters." The manager explained.

Lisa was really upset that he had to quit job just to avoid her. After her shift, she went directly at Chanwoo's house, but Bobby told her that he hasn't come home yes since morning. Lisa got worried which made Bobby worried too. They agreed to search in different places and text one another if they find him.

Lisa searched to all the places that he could possibly go. She even went back to school, but it was already closed.

It was almost getting dark and she wanted to cry because he's not answering her calls. She remembered one place that she hasn't searched yet. She took a bus and ran. She finally found him at the cemetery sitting beside Donghyuk's grave.

She walked closer to him and asked, "What are you telling him?"

"About you... About me... but mostly about me." He said without looking at Lisa.

"Chanwoo, I'm really sorry."

"You keep telling you're sorry." He chuckled. "What exactly are you feeling sorry for?"

"A lot, but I'm most sorry for hurting you."

"Do you know why I'm hurt?" He asked.

She was just silent.

He continued speaking, "I'm hurt because I knew about it already. I think Donghyuk tried to tell me many times before during our last days with him and I just chose not to listen because I thought that if I try hard, you'll want me just as much."

Lisa was still out of words to say and she was really trying to hold back her tears.

Chanwoo asked her, "Are you ready to be honest with me now?"

She started to cry and with a shaky voice she said, "Yes."

"I just need to hear it from you so it would stop making me crazy."

"I love June." Lisa said. She took a deep breath and continued, "B – but I'm sure that I love you too!! I'm really sorry. I'm so confused."

"No, Lisa." He looked into her eyes and said, "The only true thing is that you love him. You just thought that you love me that way because I'm your best friend."

Hearing that from Chanwoo left pain to both of them. It pained him because he had to accept this truth and it hurt her because she was so afraid of losing her best friend. Lisa sat next to him and she held his hands tightly. Chanwoo started to weep because he definitely missed her hands and sitting next to her. He kissed her hands like how he usually does.

"I'm breaking up with you, Lisa."

Lisa knew that she would hear those words, but there are no ways on preparing her for how much it would hurt. It felt like she was being crushed slowly. All she could think about is all the good times they spent together and how it all seems to be blurry now.

"I can't lose you. Please. We could still be friends, right?" Lisa was really desperate and she was crying her eyes out.

"I promise that I'll try to go back to the Chocoball that you know." Chanwoo smiled even when his eyes won't stop tearing. He continued, "...and if the time comes that I could tell myself that I'm not hurting anymore, you'll be the first to know."


AN: Hello my dear readers! Hope you liked this update even if it's short.

Btw, Jinsub here is the same Jinsub from Boys 24 Unit White. I started watching Boys 24 last week (I think) and I can't stop thinking about him because he has such deep voice.

Again, thank you all for reading. I will definitely aim for more entertaining parts.

**EDIT: I switched to Jungkook as requested :)

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