Tomorrow (19)

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"What? You're outside????" Lisa was so shocked and it made her heart beat faster than ever. She immediately ran to the door and saw June standing with his guitar. His ears were red even if he was wearing thick jacket. It's obvious that he was cold and he waited for a long time outside. Lisa was really worried and she wanted to pull him inside the house to keep him warm.

"How long have you been wait – "

"Lisa, I've been writing this song since the day you gave me the reason to sing again. I wasn't planning to let you know about this song, but I just have to make you believe in me."

Lisa was stunned with what he said. It was as if she held her breath until the first strum he made with his guitar. June sang to her.

I don't know how this started

Perhaps it was just a feeling I had for you

But I suddenly discovered myself

Already deeply in love with you

And it felt like I fell so easily

I fell so deeply in love that I can't feel that the earth is becoming darker

and the clouds are becoming a blur

I can't even choose what's right and what's wrong

As day by day passes, I never regretted saying that I'd throw it all away because of love.

Yes, that's the crazy person I am

I love you

How can I not love you, baby?

Say you love me too ohh

I love you

I never want to lose you, baby.

June sang it with all his heart and he looked at her the whole time. Lisa still could not believe that he would do such thing. Every word he sang melted her heart and she felt so stupid for ending their relationship. She wanted to kiss him, hold him forever, and never be apart from him, but she couldn't move a finger. She finally understood how he felt when he said that she makes it hard for him to breathe.

June put down his guitar and held her hands. She has never felt this way with just a single touch. She knew that his hands were cold, but she felt warm inside.

"June, I don't know what to say." Lisa whispered.

"It's okay. Just hear me out." He held her hands tighter and continued, "The day that I felt that Hanna's was bothering you, I immediately called her and asked to meet her at the mall. I told her about us and how much I love you."

Lisa remembered the day that she saw him with Hanna at the mall. Now, it all made sense for her and it made her want to cry.

"I don't want her back, Lisa. I don't want the past between me and her. I don't care if our story is not like all the other couples out there."

Lisa felt like it was another June that she was hearing. Every word he spoke made her realize that she was inevitably and madly in love with him. Also, it was clear that there was no possible way to make her stop loving him.

"I only want our story. I hope that you'd see our story the way I see it, Lisa." He hugged her and whispered to her ears, "I only want you. I want you more than I planned to do."

Lisa couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She hugged him back tightly and never wanting to let go.

"This feels like a dream." Lisa said while weeping.

June released her from the hug, cupped her cheeks, and dried her tears.

"When have you become this sweet? Are you really my Fart Lord?" She said as another tear dropped.

"I meant every word, Stinky. You have no idea how afraid I was to lose you."

Lisa suddenly looked for her phone and her actions got him curious.

"Do you need to call anyone?" June asked.

"Aniyo." Lisa wiped her nose because it has become runny from crying. It made June laughed and he helped her wipe her nose on the sleeves of his jacket.

"Yaaa! Found the sound recorder!" Lisa said as she finished blowing her nose on his sleeves

"You found what?" He asked.

"Can you sing it again for me? I have to record it so I would know that I'm not dreaming."

He thought that Lisa was really cute and it made him laugh. He pulled her face closer and felt her warm lips against his. It was passionate and long. It was as if neither of them wanted to stop the kiss.

Suddenly, Lisa pushed June.

"What's wrong?" June asked. He got really worried.

"You missed my birthday!!!"

June immediately checked his watch and said, "Pabo! It's only 11:58pm on my watch."

Lisa felt relieved. Ever since they got in a relationship one of the things that she couldn't stop thinking about is how it would feel to celebrate her birthday with him. June pulled her in for another kiss and said,

"Happy birthday, Stinky."


AN: Song was originally by David Tao ƪ(♥ﻬ♥)ʃ Hope you guys like this part. Please comment what you think! I really appreciate it. ♥♥♥

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