Today (13)

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The day of the singing competition is nearing. Jisoo helped June prepare for it every day after their classes. The first thing they talked about is what concept he would go for. Jisoo said that it should be something new and really catchy.

"≧ω≦ How about Lost Stars by Adam Levine?" Jisoo suggested.

"Whatever. I just want to get over this." He said.

They practised for just an hour per day. Jisoo helped him with his expressions, planned his outfit for the event, and decided the light effect for his performance.

At the day of the competition, Jisoo has been with June in the backstage and just cheering for him. June was not really nervous. He didn't really care if he wins or not. He just wanted to finish it.

"You could win this! Just sing your heart out" Jisoo advised.

When it was his time to perform, he got out of the stage. He was wearing a nice black suit over a black button down. Jisoo really did well with his outfit and hairstyle because he looked really striking and handsome. His looks really caught a lot of attention from the students and everyone was really waiting for him to sing.

The music started. He saw Lisa from where he was standing. She was with Chanwoo. He missed the beat and went backstage to talk to the sound operator.

Jisoo was shouting on top of her little voice, "You're changing song????"

"You told me to sing my heart out, right?" June smirked and went back to the stage.

The music started again and he held the microphone closer to his mouth. He looked at Lisa, closed his eyes, and sang Wedding Dress by Taeyang. The stage was dark and the spotlight was on him. He didn't move a lot so everyone just focused on his voice.

All the students were captivated with his deep raspy voice. They almost thought that he's been doing competitions a lot because he looked really calm and natural on stage. His emotions were felt in every line of the song. Lisa's heart was hurting all throughout the song.

I've felt so restless every night

Maybe I've known all along

This would happen

I close my eyes

And dream an endless dream

Please leave him and come to me.

Those were the lines when he started looking straight at her. She could feel that every word was for her, but before he could finish singing, Chanwoo pulled her out of the venue. His grip was tight on her arm. He didn't say a word, but Lisa could feel his anger because she never seen him that way.

"Chanwoo, please let go. It hurts." Lisa tried to remove his hand from her arm. Chanwoo didn't listen and continued to drag her. June ran after them when he finished the song and removed Chanwoo's hand off of Lisa.

"Look, man. I don't want trouble with you so know your place and stay out of this." Chanwoo said and reached for Lisa's arm again, but June didn't let him and pull Lisa away from him.

"You're hurting her." He said.

"So what if I'm hurting her? I'm her boyfriend, her best friend, her first kiss, and she chose me. Who are you to tell me what to do or what not to do?"

"Well, I happen to be her first – "June looked at Lisa and couldn't continue what he was supposed to say."I'm sorry."

June let go of Lisa and Chanwoo continued to pull her away. Chanwoo and Lisa got to his car. He opened the door and pushed her to the passenger's seat and closed the door. He got inside as well and started to drive. Lisa was afraid to talk to him. He was driving really fast. Lisa fastened her seatbelt.

"I know you're mad, but please slow down. It's not safe." Lisa tried to give him some sense.

"I'll do whatever I want." He said.

It started to rain hard and Lisa was really scared because the roads will get slippery.

"During the competition, why are you looking at him like that?" He said suddenly.

"It's nothing. Please stop the car, Chanwoo. You're way above speed limit."

"I know that look. It was how you looked at me before." He stopped the car and looked at Lisa, "We promised to be honest to each other, right? So I'm asking you now, do you love him?"

Lisa couldn't speak for a moment and she would do anything to avoid that question. "Chanwoo, please don't do this. I treasure you so much."

Chanwoo smiled as a tear rolled through his cheek. He said, "I really appreciate that, but Lisa you didn't answer my question."

He couldn't look at her anymore which made Lisa cry.

"Please get out of the car." He said while drying his tears.

Lisa didn't want to leave because she's afraid that he might do something reckless.

"Chanwoo – "

"Lisa, please just go." He looked at her while he was crying. Lisa removed her seatbelt and got out of the car. He drove fast and left Lisa on the sidewalk under the raining sky.

Today Tomorrow Always (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now