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Christmas came and it was Donghyuk 1st death anniversary. Bobby, Jinhwan, and Yunghyeong planned a charity event for Kids with rare lung diseases just like Donghyuk. Everyone was there: Bobby, Chanwoo, Yunhyeong, Jisoo, Jinhwan, Rose, Lisa, and June. Hanbin and Jennie took a flight back to Korea for the event, but Jennie has to go back to America the next day because of her tight schedule.

They called the event: Angel Dongie Project. They were all wearing red shirts with a chibi drawing of Donghyuk as an angel made by Rose. At the event, they got to hear stories of kids who are suffering from the disease. Jinhwan asked a known Pulmonologist to give the kids a nice and friendly talk about their disease. After the talk, they got the chance to get to know the kids and have fun with them. Of course, Rose was the first one to tear up followed by her best friend Jennie.

It was a very fulfilling day for each one of them. After the event, they all went to Rose's 5th art exhibit in Seoul. Lisa was so surprised that Rose put up another exhibit because Rose just got home from Milan because of the art course that she attended. She couldn't help but think how amazing and talented Rose was.

Everyone got in the exhibit. The entrance was nice and it has a white carpet on the floor. Lisa was so amazed by the carpet because carpets are usually red or that's what she thought. June reached for her hand and she was happy to hold his.

Lisa looked at the first picture posted at the wall and she was so shocked to see that it was her picture. It was the one that June used as his wallpaper.

"WHY IS THIS HERE?" She shouted. Everyone looked at her and laughed at her.

"Pabo! This is an exhibit! You shouldn't be shouting like that, Stinky." June told her.

He grabbed her and continued to look at the pictures. Every picture has Lisa and June on it. Lisa was doing different things in the picture like smiling, playing at the arcade, eating lunch, studying, listening at school, and the likes, but there was one same thing in every picture: June was looking at her.

They got to the last room of the exhibit and it was a bit dark. There was a small gazebo-like structure in the middle. It was studded with white roses. The fragrance of the roses filled the room. June held her hand tightly as they went to the gazebo together. It was just the two of them.

"What is this all about, Fart Lord? I thought it was Rose unni's exhibit!" Lisa said.

"All the pictures were taken by Donghyuk. I never asked him to send me those, but he sent them anyway every time he took a stolen shot of me looking at you."

Lisa was tearing up, "That pabo!"

They both laughed. After quite some time, Lisa got quiet.

"What are you thinking?" June asked.

"I just miss Donghyuk."

"We all do." He said.

They smiled at each other. She noticed how different he looked compared to the first day she met him at school. Before, he was always expressionless and he always looked like he doesn't give a fuck about anything, but now, he's looking back at her with big smile on his face while holding her hands.

"Do you remember the thing he said to you on the last video that he made for all of us?" June asked.

Lisa thought hard and she was stunned when she remembered.

"Pictures don't lie." They said together.

Lisa started to cry. She was overwhelmed with everything that has happened between them and everything that is happening now. She thought about how Donghyuk was always right. She was also sad because June was the first one to find out the meaning behind Donghyuk's last words to her. Yes, she's competitive even at this moment.

"I want to ask you something." Lisa said.

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you have to answer honestly, okay?"

"I promise." He replied..

"You told me on my birthday that you hope that I could look at our story the way you did, but don't you think it sucks that our story started with sex?"

June laughed at her question. Lisa punched his shoulder because she was serious with it. She was really curious how he sees their story.

"Pabo! That's not how we started. Our story started when you bumped on me on the first day of school."

Lisa was surprised with his answer. She never even thought that it would be something memorable for him because all she could think about that scene was the embarrassment.

"I've never told anyone, but when I saw you that day, I already felt like I knew you and that you're mine." He said.

"Possessive much?" Lisa teased him.

He put his arms around her like how possessive boyfriends usually act and asked, "Got a problem with that?"

"No sir!" Lisa replied quickly and laughed.

June loved her laugh, the way she looked at him and everything else in between. All he could ever think about is how lucky he was that she's beside him.

"Do you love me?" Lisa asked.

She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it again and again. She doesn't care how stupid she looked for asking that question.

"Yes. More than anything." June answered in a heartbeat.

"Will you still love me tomorrow?" Lisa asked again.

He leaned in to kiss her deeply. She responded to the kiss and put her arms around his neck. June was tall that she was on her toes so he lifted her. When she broke the kiss to catch her breath, June said, "My feelings for you today is unbelievably strong"

He pecked her lips and said, "but I know that it will only grow stronger tomorrow, Lisa."

He kissed her again and for the first time that day, a tear rolled down his cheek. He felt that every memory they shared together and everything that they both had to experience led to this moment. There were a lot of things in the past that were left unsaid, but today he could only say what he's sure of.

"I love you always."

Today Tomorrow Always (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now