Tomorrow (10)

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It was the weekend. Lisa had a day off so she went to June's house to visit Kali and Jillian. She knocked at their door and Mrs. Koo was the one who greeted her.

"Oh Lisa! What brings you here? June ran off to meet someone just a few minutes ago. I thought it was you who he was meeting."

"That's okay, omma! I'm really just here to see Kali and Jillian." Lisa chuckled.

Not long after Jillian saw Lisa so she ran to their room and wake her sister up. Kali was still sleepy, but she walked slowly at the door to greet Lisa with a hug.

"Stinky unni! It's so early for play time!" Kali said.

"Yaaaa~ It's almost 11am! You sleepyhead!" Lisa said while tickling Kali. Jillian joined in tickling Kali and they were all laughing as Kali tried to resist.

After playing a lot with Lisa, the two young girls were sweating and their mom said that it's time to take a bath. Both hated bath time so they were both protesting. They still wanted to play with Lisa.

"Why don't we play at your tub while I get you girls cleaned?" Lisa's suggestion got the girls excited.

"Oh Lisa! You don't have to!" Mrs. Koo said because she thought that it would be such a burden for Lisa. Lisa insisted and the two girls was trying to convince their mom too so she eventually approved.

While giving them a bath, Lisa suddenly thought about what Hanna said at school. June haven't talked about it since then and it was really bothering her.

"Stinky unni! Why are you sad?" Jillian was really worried.

Lisa's POV: Should I tell her? Maybe she knows something from June and Hanna's past! Fudge Lisa, she's just a kid. You must not involve her with your drama! Calm down. Take deep breaths and don't ask! DON'T ASK! DON'T ASK!

"Do you know Hanna unni?" Lisa asked.

Lisa's POV: Aish! Pabo!

"Yes! She's the one that oppa used to bring here. Kali was just a baby back then, but whenever she tries to carry Kali, Kali always cry!" Jillian chuckled and Kali stuck her tongue out at Jillian.

Lisa laughed, but she was really curious with what happened between June and Hanna so she whispered and asked, "Do you know why they break up?"

"Stinky, Pabo!"

Lisa turned around and saw June. She was so surprised that she slipped and got her head hit the floor hard. Kali and Jillian both had their hands on their mouth because they were shocked. June quickly helped Lisa up.

"Are you okay??" June said while trying to see if she had a cut on her head.

"Wh – who are you?" Lisa asked.

"Mwo???" June was so worried.

Lisa wanted to make him forget about what she just asked to Jillian so she acted as if she didn't remember anything to make him worry. She secretly reached her hand to Jillian. Jillian understood what Lisa was up to and gave her suds from the tub. Lisa quickly splashed the soap suds to June.

"Yaaaaa!" June groaned. Lisa and the two girls stopped from laughing because he looked really mad. He shouted, "You're all dead!"

June ran after Lisa and carried her to the tub. Kali and Jillian were both laughing and splashing water at Lisa and June. It was definitely the best bath time ever for the two little girls.

After washing and drying up, Mrs. Koo handed Lisa some of her old clothes so Lisa could change.

"I'm really sorry for this trouble, Lisa." Mrs. Koo said.

"Oh! It's really fine, omma! We all had fun." Lisa chuckled.

Mrs. Koo left Lisa and June so they could talk, but the two were silent. Lisa really wanted to know about his past, but she was afraid to ask.

"You want to know what happened between me and Hanna?" June asked as if he read her mind.

"Kinda, but it's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"Next time, ask me and not my sister, okay?" June flicked his fingers on her forehead. Lisa chuckled.

June explained that during high school, they were pretty much on every singing competition in school. They got really close and they eventually grown feelings for each other. Hanna's mother and June's father was so supportive of their music career and got them an appointment for an audition in YG Entertainment.

"Hanna's mom even bought us matching costumes for us to wear." June laughed.

"So what happened after the audition?"

"Well, we didn't get accepted." June's voice got serious and continued, "They said that they could sign her up as a trainee, but not me. They told me that I would only drag her down because I was not on the same level, but I wasn't affected. I knew that it wasn't true and I was just okay with her getting accepted."

"So why did you two break up?"

"She gave me up. She was quick to accept the offer and sign the contract with the company even if the contract meant that she is not allowed to date. It was the toughest time for me because I really thought that what we had was special, but it was so easy for her."

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