True NightMares

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I was a victim.

I was stripped of who I was.

I was deprived of my humanity.

I wasn't human.

I'm dirt.

Lucky to even be considered such a high class.

Jude took it all from me.

Everything in one night.

He took away my everything I ever was, am and ever will be.

I will never be the same again.

It's like a bullet wound. You didn't intend to become crippled. The bullet may be removed, the wound may be healed, but the scar will forever remain. Like the bullet is still in there. No matter how much healing, I know it was there. No matter how much progress, I'm still crippled from that bullet. No matter the presence of the bullet, it's still there.

And it's planning to go nowhere.

Like sin without a savior.

Like bleach splotches on a black shirt.

Like cancer cells that invaded every impossible place.







I will never be the same.

I can't forget that night... I wish I could.

After the night of the party, Jude became a close friend. However; Mark will always be my best friend. No one could compare. Jude tried to match Mark, I noticed it. He even tried obtaining my affection through showering me in gifts, anything I could ever want will be mine, as he put it. He gave me things that I said nothing about, maybe just a mere glance, and he would buy it. Anything I picked up, he bought two. Anything I said I liked, he'd get three. Anything I said I loved, he'd get five. Anything I said I wanted so badly, he'd buy ten.

He got me anything and everything... spending his money like it's oxygen for me.

He acted like a gentleman for the longest time. I felt like I knew who he was...

But I didn't.

If I knew what would've happened, I never would've kept his company.

His need for my attention wasn't right.

It isn't what I wanted.

If I were to look at him, he had this look in his eyes like I was all his hallow heart desired. He thought being rich and good looking was enough. Anyone who suffered struggles, like I have, would understand it's not what we want. We want love. We want to be cherished. Not desired, not being preyed upon.

One night, we were alone, walking at the park. He tried being romantic. I didn't falter. He just couldn't make my heart race, my legs feel like jelly, my palms sweat. He just couldn't make me nervous, not reacting the way he desired me to.

He tried. He randomly stopped walking, gazing at the night sky. I stopped to see if he was okay.

But the look in his eyes troubled me down to my very core.

The moon light shine was concealing this crazy look, like he was trying hard not to go berserk. Being the idiotic girl I was, I walked closer. I asked him if he was okay but he didn't respond, so I put my hand on his shoulder.

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