If Love Is Blind, So Are The Idiots.

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Mark poured water from a nearby bucket onto the sad flames.

"Well, it definitely is like old times." My eyes drifted to the sky.

"Yeah..." his voice trailed off as he dusted his arms. "You miss the stars don't you?"

I shrugged a shoulder. "I just miss the night... Eight years being in the same room, thrown around the crap apartment, it's just nice to feel the air." I closed my eyes, really appreciating the night with all it's goodness. "It feels so... good."

He half-heartedly chuckled. "You know, out of the time you went missing, I've never felt so alone."

I faced him, finding him with half a smile. "I'm sorry, Mark... it's my fault..."

Whatever-of-a-smile he had on disappeared so fast. "You've changed so much. Not only that, but you're still the same in some ways. It's overwhelmingly confusing."

My head hung, making me stare at my own two feet that carried me this far. "What did you expect? That I'd go through hell and be the same? Maybe if eight years in my personal hell wasn't so bad, maybe I'd be the same (Y/N) you knew."

The weight of my words stung. Glancing at Mark, it stabbed him in the heart. His expression completely gave up hiding his hurt, the moonlight putting stars in the tears that bubbled at his eyes. His breathing is under control, yet it's still obvious...

"Mark, make me another promise."

He weakly nodded.

"Promise me you won't blame yourself for my problems, for my disappearance." I plastered a big smile on my boney face.

It's still my fault it all happened in the first place.

His mouth opened, no words or sound formed, leaving the night to fill the silence.

I sighed. "Mark-"

The door slid open, gaining our attentions. "I missed the fun?"

Adda told us to come inside so we can all talk. When we were situated in the living room, she stayed standing as she made her announcement.

"We're going after Jude. My men already have him in custody. We're pressing charges and getting restraining orders."

Mark jumped up, elated. "That's great! When will we put him behind bars?"

She pursed her lips. "That's the thing." She turned to me. "We need your side of the story and details of what happened."

"Mark. Bring me my bag with my computer."

His eyebrows bunched, unsure why I made my request. He did it anyways, leaving me and Adda. She took a seat next to me.

"Are you okay enough to do this?" Her hand held mine.

I nodded. "I'm scared if he knows you guys are holding onto me."

"It doesn't matter-"

"Oh, you have no idea how much it matters." My voice raised a bit.

Fear ran up and down my very being. My body started shaking.

"Got it!" Mark held the bag high over his head then handed it over. I searched through the pockets.

"Why do you need your computer?" Adda studied me.

My fingers traced a weathered book in a smaller pocket. "I don't need my laptop."

"Then why-?"

I exposed the book to them. "This little book has everything. I logged everything he did to me and the time he did. Sadly, there's no dates... they're labeled by days."

The Scream Behind The Screen {Markiplier X Abused Reader} [First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now